Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
5.0 Beta5
org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.classic.ContentCompressionExec is not thread-safe in its handling of the Accept-Encoding header, which can result in the header being mangled.
The problem is in its creation of the header by using MessageSupport:
request.addHeader(MessageSupport.format(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_ENCODING, acceptEncoding));
MessageSupport.format is not thread-safe, because it sorts its second argument:
public static Header format(final String name, final String... tokens) { ... formatTokens(buffer, tokens); public static void formatTokens(final CharArrayBuffer dst, final String... tokens) { Args.notNull(dst, "Destination"); Arrays.sort(tokens); // <--- This is not thread-safe!!!
The result is that the Accept-Encoding header can end up being any random combination and subset of the acceptEncoding array elements.
e.g. on the standard acceptEncoding array of new String[] {"gzip", "x-gzip", "deflate"}, the request header may read
Accept-Encoding: deflate, deflate, gzip
Accept-Encoding: deflate, deflate, deflate
for example.
It won't, however, introduce any elements not previously in the array, or corrupt any of the individual strings.
It actually seems pretty nasty that MessageSupport isn't thread-safe, but given that it's not, it would require supplying a separate copy of the acceptEncoding array for each format call. e.g.
request.addHeader(MessageSupport.format(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_ENCODING, acceptEncoding.clone()));
However, an even better alternative would seem to be to do the MessageFormat in the ContentCompressionExec constructor, and cache the formatted Header:
this.acceptEncoding = MessageSupport.format(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_ENCODING, acceptEncoding != null ? acceptEncoding.toArray( new String[acceptEncoding.size()]) : new String[] {"gzip", "x-gzip", "deflate"});
and then just use it in the execute method: