Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
4.0 Final
Server: IIS 7.5
Client: Ubuntu 12.04 with HttpAsyncClient 4.0 Final, HttpClient 4.3.1
When sending large requests to IIS 7.5 with NTLM authentication, an out-of-sequence 401 response causes HttpAsyncClient to close the connection (even though it's reusable) and eventually throw a ConnectionShutdownException.
See the below log for details.
POST https://mc-ex4-1-sfm.s2x.uncrap.local/EWS/exchange.asmx HTTP/1.1
2014/01/03 15:02:52:684 PST [DEBUG] MainClientExec - [exchange: 1] start execution
2014/01/03 15:02:52:688 PST [DEBUG] RequestAddCookies - CookieSpec selected: best-match
2014/01/03 15:02:52:697 PST [DEBUG] RequestAuthCache - Auth cache not set in the context
2014/01/03 15:02:52:698 PST [DEBUG] InternalHttpAsyncClient - [exchange: 1] Request connection for
2014/01/03 15:02:52:699 PST [DEBUG] PoolingNHttpClientConnectionMa
nager - Connection request: [route: {s}
->https://mc-ex4-1-sfm.s2x.uncrap.local:443][total kept alive: 0; route allocated: 0 of 2; total allocated: 0 of 20]
2014/01/03 15:02:52:720 PST [DEBUG] PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager - Connection leased: [id: http-outgoing-0][route:
2014/01/03 15:02:52:726 PST [DEBUG] InternalHttpAsyncClient - [exchange: 1] Connection allocated: http-outgoing-0 [ACTIVE]
2014/01/03 15:02:52:726 PST [DEBUG] ManagedNHttpClientConnectionImpl - http-outgoing-0<->[ACTIVE][r:]: Set attribute
2014/01/03 15:02:52:726 PST [DEBUG] ManagedNHttpClientConnectionImpl - http-outgoing-0<->[ACTIVE][rw:]: Event set [w]
2014/01/03 15:02:52:726 PST [DEBUG] HttpAsyncRequestExecutor - http-outgoing-0 [ACTIVE]: Connected
2014/01/03 15:02:52:727 PST [DEBUG] ManagedNHttpClientConnectionImpl - http-outgoing-0<->[ACTIVE][rw:]: Set attribute http.nio.http-exchange-state
2014/01/03 15:02:52:727 PST [DEBUG] HttpAsyncRequestExecutor - http-outgoing-0 [ACTIVE] Request ready
2014/01/03 15:02:52:727 PST [DEBUG] MainClientExec - Start connection routing
2014/01/03 15:02:52:735 PST [DEBUG] ManagedNHttpClientConnectionImpl - http-outgoing-0 Upgrade session<->[ACTIVE][rw:][ACTIVE][rw][NEED_UNWRAP][0][0][206][0]
2014/01/03 15:02:52:735 PST [DEBUG] MainClientExec - Connection route established
2014/01/03 15:02:52:735 PST [DEBUG] MainClientExec - [exchange: 1] Attempt 1 to execute request
2014/01/03 15:02:52:735 PST [DEBUG] MainClientExec - Target auth state: UNCHALLENGED
2014/01/03 15:02:52:736 PST [DEBUG] MainClientExec - Proxy auth state: UNCHALLENGED
2014/01/03 15:02:52:736 PST [DEBUG] headers - http-outgoing-0 >> POST /EWS/exchange.asmx HTTP/1.1
2014/01/03 15:02:52:736 PST [DEBUG] headers - http-outgoing-0 >> Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
2014/01/03 15:02:52:736 PST [DEBUG] headers - http-outgoing-0 >> Keep-Alive: 300
2014/01/03 15:02:52:736 PST [DEBUG] headers - http-outgoing-0 >> User-Agent: ExchangeServicesClient/
2014/01/03 15:02:52:736 PST [DEBUG] headers - http-outgoing-0 >> Accept: text/xml
2014/01/03 15:02:52:736 PST [DEBUG] headers - http-outgoing-0 >> Content-Length: 41113
2014/01/03 15:02:52:736 PST [DEBUG] headers - http-outgoing-0 >> Host: mc-ex4-1-sfm.s2x.uncrap.local
2014/01/03 15:02:52:736 PST [DEBUG] headers - http-outgoing-0 >> Connection: Keep-Alive
2014/01/03 15:02:52:738 PST [DEBUG] ManagedNHttpClientConnectionImpl - http-outgoing-0<->[ACTIVE][rw:][ACTIVE][rw][NEED_UNWRAP][0][0][206][0]: Event set [w]
2014/01/03 15:02:52:752 PST [DEBUG] HttpAsyncRequestExecutor - http-outgoing-0 [ACTIVE] Output ready
2014/01/03 15:02:52:753 PST [DEBUG] MainClientExec - [exchange: 1] produce content
2014/01/03 15:02:52:753 PST [DEBUG] HttpAsyncRequestExecutor - http-outgoing-0 [ACTIVE] [content length: 41113; pos: 4096; completed: false]
2014/01/03 15:02:52:756 PST [DEBUG] ManagedNHttpClientConnectionImpl - http-outgoing-0<->[ACTIVE][rw:w][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][4373][0]: 4334 bytes written
2014/01/03 15:02:52:756 PST [DEBUG] wire - http-outgoing-0 >> "POST /EWS/exchange.asmx HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
2014/01/03 15:02:52:756 PST [DEBUG] wire - http-outgoing-0 >> "Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8[\r][\n]"
2014/01/03 15:02:52:756 PST [DEBUG] wire - http-outgoing-0 >> "Keep-Alive: 300[\r][\n]"
2014/01/03 15:02:52:756 PST [DEBUG] wire - http-outgoing-0 >> "User-Agent: ExchangeServicesClient/[\r][\n]"
2014/01/03 15:02:52:756 PST [DEBUG] wire - http-outgoing-0 >> "Accept: text/xml[\r][\n]"
2014/01/03 15:02:52:757 PST [DEBUG] wire - http-outgoing-0 >> "Content-Length: 41113[\r][\n]"
2014/01/03 15:02:52:757 PST [DEBUG] wire - http-outgoing-0 >> "Host: mc-ex4-1-sfm.s2x.uncrap.local[\r][\n]"
2014/01/03 15:02:52:757 PST [DEBUG] wire - http-outgoing-0 >> "Connection: Keep-Alive[\r][\n]"
2014/01/03 15:02:52:757 PST [DEBUG] wire - http-outgoing-0 >> "[\r][\n]"
2014/01/03 15:02:52:758 PST [DEBUG] wire - http-outgoing-0 >> "<?xml version="1.0" ... <omitted for readibility>"
2014/01/03 15:02:52:766 PST [DEBUG] ManagedNHttpClientConnectionImpl - http-outgoing-0<->[ACTIVE][rw:rw][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][0][0]: 369 bytes read
2014/01/03 15:02:52:767 PST [DEBUG] wire - http-outgoing-0 << "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized[\r][\n]"
2014/01/03 15:02:52:767 PST [DEBUG] wire - http-outgoing-0 << "Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5[\r][\n]"
2014/01/03 15:02:52:767 PST [DEBUG] wire - http-outgoing-0 << "Set-Cookie: exchangecookie=75fd3fbf79da43df8252fdd2d65e6cd4; expires=Sat, 03-Jan-2015 23:02:38 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly[\r][\n]"
2014/01/03 15:02:52:767 PST [DEBUG] wire - http-outgoing-0 << "WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate[\r][\n]"
2014/01/03 15:02:52:767 PST [DEBUG] wire - http-outgoing-0 << "WWW-Authenticate: NTLM[\r][\n]"
2014/01/03 15:02:52:767 PST [DEBUG] wire - http-outgoing-0 << "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="mc-ex4-1-sfm.s2x.uncrap.local"[\r][\n]"
2014/01/03 15:02:52:767 PST [DEBUG] wire - http-outgoing-0 << "X-Powered-By: ASP.NET[\r][\n]"
2014/01/03 15:02:52:767 PST [DEBUG] wire - http-outgoing-0 << "Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2014 23:02:38 GMT[\r][\n]"
2014/01/03 15:02:52:767 PST [DEBUG] wire - http-outgoing-0 << "Content-Length: 0[\r][\n]"
2014/01/03 15:02:52:767 PST [DEBUG] wire - http-outgoing-0 << "[\r][\n]"
2014/01/03 15:02:52:773 PST [DEBUG] headers - http-outgoing-0 << HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
2014/01/03 15:02:52:774 PST [DEBUG] headers - http-outgoing-0 << Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
2014/01/03 15:02:52:774 PST [DEBUG] headers - http-outgoing-0 << Set-Cookie: exchangecookie=75fd3fbf79da43df8252fdd2d65e6cd4; expires=Sat, 03-Jan-2015 23:02:38 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly
2014/01/03 15:02:52:774 PST [DEBUG] headers - http-outgoing-0 << WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate
2014/01/03 15:02:52:774 PST [DEBUG] headers - http-outgoing-0 << WWW-Authenticate: NTLM
2014/01/03 15:02:52:774 PST [DEBUG] headers - http-outgoing-0 << WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="mc-ex4-1-sfm.s2x.uncrap.local"
2014/01/03 15:02:52:774 PST [DEBUG] headers - http-outgoing-0 << X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
2014/01/03 15:02:52:774 PST [DEBUG] headers - http-outgoing-0 << Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2014 23:02:38 GMT
2014/01/03 15:02:52:774 PST [DEBUG] headers - http-outgoing-0 << Content-Length: 0
2014/01/03 15:02:52:774 PST [DEBUG] HttpAsyncRequestExecutor - http-outgoing-0 [ACTIVE] Response received
2014/01/03 15:02:52:774 PST [DEBUG] ManagedNHttpClientConnectionImpl - http-outgoing-0<->[ACTIVE][r:rw][ACTIVE][r][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][0][0]: Event cleared [w]
2014/01/03 15:02:52:774 PST [DEBUG] MainClientExec - [exchange: 1] Response received HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
2014/01/03 15:02:52:786 PST [DEBUG] ResponseProcessCookies - Cookie accepted: "[version: 0][name: exchangecookie][value: 75fd3fbf79da43df8252fdd2d65e6cd4][domain: mc-ex4-1-sfm.s2x.uncrap.local][path: /][expiry: Sat Jan 03 15:02:38 PST 2015]".
2014/01/03 15:02:52:786 PST [DEBUG] MainClientExec - Authentication required
2014/01/03 15:02:52:786 PST [DEBUG] MainClientExec - mc-ex4-1-sfm.s2x.uncrap.local:443 requested authentication
2014/01/03 15:02:52:787 PST [DEBUG] TargetAuthenticationStrategy - Authentication schemes in the order of preference: [Basic, Digest]
2014/01/03 15:02:52:792 PST [DEBUG] TargetAuthenticationStrategy - Challenge for Digest authentication scheme not available
2014/01/03 15:02:52:792 PST [DEBUG] MainClientExec - Selected authentication options: [BASIC]
2014/01/03 15:02:52:792 PST [DEBUG] HttpAsyncRequestExecutor - http-outgoing-0 [ACTIVE] Input ready
2014/01/03 15:02:52:792 PST [DEBUG] MainClientExec - [exchange: 1] Consume content
2014/01/03 15:02:52:793 PST [DEBUG] ManagedNHttpClientConnectionImpl - http-outgoing-0<->[ACTIVE][r:rw][ACTIVE][r][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][0][0]: 0 bytes read
2014/01/03 15:02:52:793 PST [DEBUG] ManagedNHttpClientConnectionImpl - http-outgoing-0<->[ACTIVE][r:rw][ACTIVE][r][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][0][0]: Close
2014/01/03 15:02:52:794 PST [DEBUG] MainClientExec - [exchange: 1] Connection can be kept alive indefinitely
2014/01/03 15:02:52:794 PST [DEBUG] InternalHttpAsyncClient - [exchange: 1] releasing connection
2014/01/03 15:02:52:794 PST [DEBUG] ManagedNHttpClientConnectionImpl - http-outgoing-0<->[ACTIVE][rw:rw][CLOSING][r][NEED_WRAP][0][0][0][0]: Remove attribute
2014/01/03 15:02:52:794 PST [DEBUG] PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager - Connection released: [id: http-outgoing-0][route: {s}
->https://mc-ex4-1-sfm.s2x.uncrap.local:443][total kept alive: 0; route allocated: 0 of 2; total allocated: 0 of 20]
2014/01/03 15:02:52:795 PST [DEBUG] ManagedNHttpClientConnectionImpl - http-outgoing-0<->[ACTIVE][rw:rw][CLOSING][r][NEED_WRAP][0][0][0][0]: Shutdown
2014/01/03 15:02:52:795 PST [DEBUG] HttpAsyncRequestExecutor - null <org.apache.http.impl.conn.ConnectionShutdownException>org.apache.http.impl.conn.ConnectionShutdownException
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.conn.CPoolProxy.invoke(
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy7.requestOutput(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.DefaultClientExchangeHandlerImpl.responseCompleted(
at org.apache.http.nio.protocol.HttpAsyncRequestExecutor.processResponse(
at org.apache.http.nio.protocol.HttpAsyncRequestExecutor.inputReady(
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.LoggingAsyncRequestExecutor.inputReady(
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.DefaultNHttpClientConnection.consumeInput(
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.InternalIODispatch.onInputReady(
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.InternalIODispatch.onInputReady(
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor.AbstractIODispatch.inputReady(
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor.BaseIOReactor.readable(
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor.AbstractIOReactor.processEvent(
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor.AbstractIOReactor.processEvents(
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor.AbstractIOReactor.execute(
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor.BaseIOReactor.execute(
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor.AbstractMultiworkerIOReactor$
2014/01/03 15:02:52:796 PST [DEBUG] HttpAsyncRequestExecutor - http-outgoing-0 [CLOSED]: Disconnected