If you want to specify default values for <attribute>s within a schema like:
<attribute name="count" translator="int,min=5,max=10,default=5"/>
and you use the <conversion> to convert the contribution´s data into a mapping class,
an non-existend "count" within a contribution will not be defaulted, although it has been
specified that it should. To get the desired behaviour you have to use <rule>s with
"skip-if-null=false" which is often "breaking a butterfly on a wheel".
How about adding a "default" attribute to the <attribute> element, which will be used
when the attribute is not specified?
This would ease the implementations of translators, because the do not have to
worry about the specification of default values.
And much more important the default handling would be configurable and readable
by "contributors". It would not be necessary to hard code the defaults.