There is a type cast error in Join operator. Produced by the following steps:
create table zshao_foo (foo_id int, foo_name string, foo_a string, foo_b string, foo_c string, foo_d string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile; create table zshao_bar (bar_id int, bar_0 int, foo_id int, bar_1 int, bar_name string, bar_a string, bar_b string, bar_c string, bar_d string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile; create table zshao_count (bar_id int, n int) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile; Each table has a single row as follows: zshao_foo: 1,foo1,a,b,c,d zshao_bar: 10,0,1,1,bar10,a,b,c,d zshao_count: 10,2 load data local inpath 'zshao_foo' overwrite into table zshao_foo; load data local inpath 'zshao_bar' overwrite into table zshao_bar; load data local inpath 'zshao_count' overwrite into table zshao_count; explain extended select zshao_foo.foo_name, zshao_bar.bar_name, n from zshao_foo join zshao_bar on zshao_foo.foo_id = zshao_bar.foo_id join zshao_count on zshao_count.bar_id = zshao_bar.bar_id;
The case is from David Lerman.