Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
I am using HIVE4.0.0-BETA for testing.
BTW,I found that the performance of HIVE reading ICEBERG table is still very slow.
How should I deal with this problem?
I count a 7 billion table and compare the performance difference between HIVE reading ICEBERG-ORC and ORC table respectively.
We use ICEBERG 1.4.2, ICEBERG-ORC with ZSTD compression enabled.
ORC with SNAPPY compression.
HADOOP version 3.1.1 (native zstd not supported).
--spark3.4.1+iceberg 1.4.2 CREATE TABLE datacenter.dwd.b_std_trade ( uni_order_id STRING, data_from BIGINT, partner STRING, plat_code STRING, order_id STRING, uni_shop_id STRING, uni_id STRING, guide_id STRING, shop_id STRING, plat_account STRING, total_fee DOUBLE, item_discount_fee DOUBLE, trade_discount_fee DOUBLE, adjust_fee DOUBLE, post_fee DOUBLE, discount_rate DOUBLE, payment_no_postfee DOUBLE, payment DOUBLE, pay_time STRING, product_num BIGINT, order_status STRING, is_refund STRING, refund_fee DOUBLE, insert_time STRING, created STRING, endtime STRING, modified STRING, trade_type STRING, receiver_name STRING, receiver_country STRING, receiver_state STRING, receiver_city STRING, receiver_district STRING, receiver_town STRING, receiver_address STRING, receiver_mobile STRING, trade_source STRING, delivery_type STRING, consign_time STRING, orders_num BIGINT, is_presale BIGINT, presale_status STRING, first_fee_paytime STRING, last_fee_paytime STRING, first_paid_fee DOUBLE, tenant STRING, tidb_modified STRING, step_paid_fee DOUBLE, seller_flag STRING, is_used_store_card BIGINT, store_card_used DOUBLE, store_card_basic_used DOUBLE, store_card_expand_used DOUBLE, order_promotion_num BIGINT, item_promotion_num BIGINT, buyer_remark STRING, seller_remark STRING, trade_business_type STRING) USING iceberg PARTITIONED BY (uni_shop_id, truncate(4, created)) LOCATION '/iceberg-catalog/warehouse/dwd/b_std_trade' TBLPROPERTIES ( 'current-snapshot-id' = '7217819472703702905', 'format' = 'iceberg/orc', 'format-version' = '1', 'hive.stored-as' = 'iceberg', 'read.orc.vectorization.enabled' = 'true', 'sort-order' = 'uni_shop_id ASC NULLS FIRST, created ASC NULLS FIRST', 'write.distribution-mode' = 'hash', 'write.format.default' = 'orc', 'write.metadata.delete-after-commit.enabled' = 'true', 'write.metadata.previous-versions-max' = '3', 'write.orc.bloom.filter.columns' = 'order_id', 'write.orc.compression-codec' = 'zstd') --hive-iceberg CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE iceberg_dwd.b_std_trade STORED BY '' LOCATION 'hdfs://xxxx/iceberg-catalog/warehouse/dwd/b_std_trade' TBLPROPERTIES ('iceberg.catalog'='location_based_table','engine.hive.enabled'='true'); --inner orc table( set hive default format = orc ) set hive.default.fileformat=orc; set hive.default.fileformat.managed=orc; create table if not exists iceberg_dwd.orc_inner_table as select * from iceberg_dwd.b_std_trade;
Also, I have another question. The Submit Plan statistic is clearly incorrect. Is this something that needs to be fixed?