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  1. Hive
  2. HIVE-27878

Implement query summary for HS2-only queries



    • Improvement
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None


      While running a cluster query (hs2, tez am, tez+llap), we have a handy summary attached as: tpcds78_10GB_query_summary_example.txt
      However, we get no info about simply fetch tasks, we can see only this below:

      0: jdbc:hive2://hs2-lbodor-aws-bug.dw-dw-team> select * from customer limit 10;
      INFO  : Compiling command(queryId=hive_20231116094515_5f3e5f7b-da6a-4026-9b36-be63ee11ff61): select * from customer limit 10
      INFO  : Semantic Analysis Completed (retrial = false)
      INFO  : Created Hive schema: Schema(fieldSchemas:[FieldSchema(name:customer.c_customer_sk, type:bigint, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:customer.c_customer_id, type:char(16), comment:null), FieldSchema(name:customer.c_current_cdemo_sk, type:bigint, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:customer.c_current_hdemo_sk, type:bigint, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:customer.c_current_addr_sk, type:bigint, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:customer.c_first_shipto_date_sk, type:bigint, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:customer.c_first_sales_date_sk, type:bigint, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:customer.c_salutation, type:char(10), comment:null), FieldSchema(name:customer.c_first_name, type:char(20), comment:null), FieldSchema(name:customer.c_last_name, type:char(30), comment:null), FieldSchema(name:customer.c_preferred_cust_flag, type:char(1), comment:null), FieldSchema(name:customer.c_birth_day, type:int, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:customer.c_birth_month, type:int, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:customer.c_birth_year, type:int, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:customer.c_birth_country, type:varchar(20), comment:null), FieldSchema(name:customer.c_login, type:char(13), comment:null), FieldSchema(name:customer.c_email_address, type:char(50), comment:null), FieldSchema(name:customer.c_last_review_date_sk, type:bigint, comment:null)], properties:null)
      INFO  : Completed compiling command(queryId=hive_20231116094515_5f3e5f7b-da6a-4026-9b36-be63ee11ff61); Time taken: 0.257 seconds
      INFO  : Executing command(queryId=hive_20231116094515_5f3e5f7b-da6a-4026-9b36-be63ee11ff61): select * from customer limit 10
      INFO  : Completed executing command(queryId=hive_20231116094515_5f3e5f7b-da6a-4026-9b36-be63ee11ff61); Time taken: 0.007 seconds
      INFO  : OK
      | customer.c_customer_sk  | customer.c_customer_id  | customer.c_current_cdemo_sk  | customer.c_current_hdemo_sk  | customer.c_current_addr_sk  | customer.c_first_shipto_date_sk  | customer.c_first_sales_date_sk  | customer.c_salutation  | customer.c_first_name  |      customer.c_last_name       | customer.c_preferred_cust_flag  | customer.c_birth_day  | customer.c_birth_month  | customer.c_birth_year  | customer.c_birth_country  | customer.c_login  |              customer.c_email_address              | customer.c_last_review_date_sk  |
      | 1                       | AAAAAAAABAAAAAAA        | 980124                       | 7135                         | 32946                       | 2452238                          | 2452208                         | Mr.                    | Javier                 | Lewis                           | Y                               | 9                     | 12                      | 1936                   | CHILE                     | NULL              | Javier.Lewis@VFAxlnZEvOx.org                       | 2452508                         |
      | 2                       | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA        | 819667                       | 1461                         | 181655                      | 2452318                          | 2452288                         | Dr.                    | Amy                    | Moses                           | Y                               | 9                     | 4                       | 1966                   | TOGO                      | NULL              | Amy.Moses@Ovk9KjHH.com                             | 2452318                         |
      | 3                       | AAAAAAAADAAAAAAA        | 1473522                      | 6247                         | 248572                      | 2449130                          | 2449100                         | Miss                   | Latisha                | Hamilton                        | N                               | 18                    | 9                       | 1979                   | NIUE                      | NULL              | Latisha.Hamilton@V.com                             | 2452313                         |
      | 4                       | AAAAAAAAEAAAAAAA        | 1703214                      | 3986                         | 189558                      | 2450030                          | 2450000                         | Dr.                    | Michael                | White                           | N                               | 7                     | 6                       | 1983                   | MEXICO                    | NULL              | Michael.White@i.org                                | 2452361                         |
      | 5                       | AAAAAAAAFAAAAAAA        | 953372                       | 4470                         | 86368                       | 2449438                          | 2449408                         | Sir                    | Robert                 | Moran                           | N                               | 8                     | 5                       | 1956                   | FIJI                      | NULL              | Robert.Moran@Hh.edu                                | 2452469                         |
      | 6                       | AAAAAAAAGAAAAAAA        | 213219                       | 6374                         | 77082                       | 2451883                          | 2451853                         | Ms.                    | Brunilda               | Sharp                           | N                               | 4                     | 12                      | 1925                   | SURINAME                  | NULL              | Brunilda.Sharp@T3pylZEUQjm.org                     | 2452430                         |
      | 7                       | AAAAAAAAHAAAAAAA        | 68377                        | 3219                         | 194814                      | 2451438                          | 2451408                         | Ms.                    | Fonda                  | Wiles                           | Y                               | 24                    | 4                       | 1985                   | GAMBIA                    | NULL              | Fonda.Wiles@S9KnyEtz9hv.org                        | 2452360                         |
      | 8                       | AAAAAAAAIAAAAAAA        | 1215897                      | 2471                         | 66598                       | 2449406                          | 2449376                         | Sir                    | Ollie                  | Shipman                         | N                               | 26                    | 12                      | 1938                   | KOREA, REPUBLIC OF        | NULL              | Ollie.Shipman@be.org                               | 2452334                         |
      | 9                       | AAAAAAAAJAAAAAAA        | 1168667                      | 1404                         | 99388                       | 2452275                          | 2452245                         | Sir                    | Karl                   | Gilbert                         | N                               | 26                    | 10                      | 1966                   | MONTSERRAT                | NULL              | Karl.Gilbert@Crg5KyP2IxX9C4d6.edu                  | 2452454                         |
      | 10                      | AAAAAAAAKAAAAAAA        | 1207553                      | 5143                         | 119580                      | 2451353                          | 2451323                         | Ms.                    | Albert                 | Brunson                         | N                               | 15                    | 10                      | 1973                   | JORDAN                    | NULL              | Albert.Brunson@62.com                              | 2452641                         |

      Looking at attached summary: tpcds78_10GB_query_summary_example.txt , I believe we should adapt some parts of that to HS2-only queries, basically anything which is not related to vertices and runtime outside of HS2, e.g. something like this:

      INFO  : Status: Query finished successfully in 101.08 seconds
      INFO  :
      INFO  : Query Execution Summary
      INFO  : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      INFO  : OPERATION                            DURATION
      INFO  : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      INFO  : Compile Query                           1.81s
      INFO  : Prepare Plan                            0.46s
      INFO  : FileSystem Counters Summary
      INFO  :
      INFO  : Scheme: FILE
      INFO  : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      INFO  : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      INFO  :              0B             0                  0             4.86KB             0
      INFO  : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      INFO  :
      INFO  : Scheme: S3A
      INFO  : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      INFO  : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      INFO  :      68.53KB             4                  0                 0B             0
      INFO  : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      INFO  : File System Counters:
      INFO  :    FILE_BYTES_READ: 123426528
      INFO  :    FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN: 264749828
      INFO  :    FILE_READ_OPS: 0
      INFO  :    FILE_WRITE_OPS: 0
      INFO  :    S3A_BYTES_READ: 438200740
      INFO  :    S3A_BYTES_WRITTEN: 0
      INFO  :    S3A_READ_OPS: 1496
      INFO  :    S3A_LARGE_READ_OPS: 0
      INFO  :    S3A_WRITE_OPS: 0




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