Uploaded image for project: 'Hive'
  1. Hive
  2. HIVE-25932

two or more sql like "insert into table test paritition (cls=1) select xxx" sometimes one sql was failed with rename ,because the two sql create a same file name



    • Improvement
    • Status: Open
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 2.3.7
    • None
    • None
    • Hide

                  for (final FileStatus srcStatus : srcs) {

      // final Path destFile = new Path(destf, srcStatus.getPath().getName());

                    final String name = srcStatus.getPath().getName();
                    final Path destDirPath = srcStatus.getPath();

                    if (null == pool) {
                      Path destFile = new Path(destf, name);
                      int counter = 1;
                      while (!destFs.rename(destDirPath, destFile)) {
                        destFile = new Path(destf, name + ("_copy_" + counter));
                        LOG.info("kugu log destFile is {}.",destFile.getName());
      // throw new IOException("rename for src path: " + srcStatus.getPath() + " to dest:"
      // + destf + " returned false");
                    } else {
                      futures.add(pool.submit(new Callable<Void>() {
                        public Void call() throws Exception {
                          final String group = srcStatus.getGroup();

                          Path destFile = new Path(destf, name);
                          boolean rename_succ = false;
                          int counter = 1;
                          while (!rename_succ) {
                            rename_succ = destFs.rename(destDirPath, destFile);
                            if(rename_succ) {
                              if (inheritPerms) {
                                HdfsUtils.setFullFileStatus(conf, desiredStatus, group, destFs, destFile, false);
                            }else {
                              destFile = new Path(destf, name + ("_copy_" + counter));
                              LOG.info("kugu log destFile is {}.",destFile.getName());

      // if(destFs.rename(srcStatus.getPath(), destFile)) {
      // if (inheritPerms) {
      // HdfsUtils.setFullFileStatus(conf, desiredStatus, group, destFs, destFile, false);
      // }
      // } else {
      // throw new IOException("rename for src path: " + srcStatus.getPath() + " to dest path:"
      // + destFile + " returned false");
      // }
                          return null;

                  for (final FileStatus srcStatus : srcs) { // final Path destFile = new Path(destf, srcStatus.getPath().getName());               final String name = srcStatus.getPath().getName();               final Path destDirPath = srcStatus.getPath();               if (null == pool) {                 Path destFile = new Path(destf, name);                 int counter = 1;                 while (!destFs.rename(destDirPath, destFile)) {                   destFile = new Path(destf, name + ("_copy_" + counter));                   LOG.info("kugu log destFile is {}.",destFile.getName());                   counter++; // throw new IOException("rename for src path: " + srcStatus.getPath() + " to dest:" // + destf + " returned false");                 }               } else {                 futures.add(pool.submit(new Callable<Void>() {                   @Override                   public Void call() throws Exception {                     SessionState.setCurrentSessionState(parentSession);                     final String group = srcStatus.getGroup();                     Path destFile = new Path(destf, name);                     boolean rename_succ = false;                     int counter = 1;                     while (!rename_succ) {                       rename_succ = destFs.rename(destDirPath, destFile);                       if(rename_succ) {                         if (inheritPerms) {                           HdfsUtils.setFullFileStatus(conf, desiredStatus, group, destFs, destFile, false);                         }                       }else {                         destFile = new Path(destf, name + ("_copy_" + counter));                         LOG.info("kugu log destFile is {}.",destFile.getName());                       }                       counter++;                     } // if(destFs.rename(srcStatus.getPath(), destFile)) { // if (inheritPerms) { // HdfsUtils.setFullFileStatus(conf, desiredStatus, group, destFs, destFile, false); // } // } else { // throw new IOException("rename for src path: " + srcStatus.getPath() + " to dest path:" // + destFile + " returned false"); // }                     return null;                   }


      modify the class "Hive.java "

                        for (final FileStatus srcStatus : srcs) {
      //              final Path destFile = new Path(destf, srcStatus.getPath().getName());
                    final String name = srcStatus.getPath().getName();
                    final Path destDirPath = srcStatus.getPath();
                    if (null == pool) {
                      Path destFile = new Path(destf, name);
                      int counter = 1;
                      while (!destFs.rename(destDirPath, destFile)) {
                        destFile =  new Path(destf, name + ("_copy_" + counter));
                        LOG.info("kugu log destFile is {}.",destFile.getName());
      //                  throw new IOException("rename for src path: " + srcStatus.getPath() + " to dest:"
      //                      + destf + " returned false");
                    } else {
                      futures.add(pool.submit(new Callable<Void>() {
                        public Void call() throws Exception {
                          final String group = srcStatus.getGroup();
                          Path destFile = new Path(destf, name);
                          boolean rename_succ = false;
                          int counter = 1;
                          while (!rename_succ) {
                            rename_succ = destFs.rename(destDirPath, destFile);
                            if(rename_succ) {
                              if (inheritPerms) {
                                HdfsUtils.setFullFileStatus(conf, desiredStatus, group, destFs, destFile, false);
                            }else {
                              destFile =  new Path(destf, name + ("_copy_" + counter));
                              LOG.info("kugu log destFile is {}.",destFile.getName());
      //                    if(destFs.rename(srcStatus.getPath(), destFile)) {
      //                      if (inheritPerms) {
      //                        HdfsUtils.setFullFileStatus(conf, desiredStatus, group, destFs, destFile, false);
      //                      }
      //                    } else {
      //                      throw new IOException("rename for src path: " + srcStatus.getPath() + " to dest path:"
      //                          + destFile + " returned false");
      //                    }
                          return null;




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