Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
EXPLAIN VECTORIZATION DETAIL WITH web_v1 as ( select ws_item_sk item_sk, d_date, sum(sum(ws_sales_price)) over (partition by ws_item_sk order by d_date rows between unbounded preceding and current row) cume_sales from web_sales ,date_dim where ws_sold_date_sk=d_date_sk and d_month_seq between 1214 and 1214+11 and ws_item_sk is not NULL group by ws_item_sk, d_date), store_v1 as ( select ss_item_sk item_sk, d_date, sum(sum(ss_sales_price)) over (partition by ss_item_sk order by d_date rows between unbounded preceding and current row) cume_sales from store_sales ,date_dim where ss_sold_date_sk=d_date_sk and d_month_seq between 1214 and 1214+11 and ss_item_sk is not NULL group by ss_item_sk, d_date) select * from (select item_sk ,d_date ,web_sales ,store_sales ,max(web_sales) over (partition by item_sk order by d_date rows between unbounded preceding and current row) web_cumulative ,max(store_sales) over (partition by item_sk order by d_date rows between unbounded preceding and current row) store_cumulative from (select case when web.item_sk is not null then web.item_sk else store.item_sk end item_sk ,case when web.d_date is not null then web.d_date else store.d_date end d_date ,web.cume_sales web_sales ,store.cume_sales store_sales from web_v1 web full outer join store_v1 store on (web.item_sk = store.item_sk and web.d_date = store.d_date) )x )y where web_cumulative > store_cumulative order by item_sk ,d_date limit 100;
Reducer 2 notVectorizedReason: PTF operator: Only PTF directly under reduce-shuffle is supported window functions: window function: GenericUDAFSumHiveDecimal window frame: ROWS PRECEDING(MAX)~CURRENT ... Reducer 8 notVectorizedReason: PTF operator: Only PTF directly under reduce-shuffle is supported window functions: window function: GenericUDAFSumHiveDecimal window frame: ROWS PRECEDING(MAX)~CURRENT |
The interesting part is:
explain vectorization detail select ws_item_sk item_sk, d_date, sum(sum(ws_sales_price)) over (partition by ws_item_sk order by d_date rows between unbounded preceding and current row) cume_sales from web_sales ,date_dim where ws_sold_date_sk=d_date_sk and d_month_seq between 1214 and 1214+11 and ws_item_sk is not NULL group by ws_item_sk, d_date;
the same applies to query63:
... ,avg(sum(ss_sales_price)) over (partition by i_manager_id) avg_monthly_sales ...