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  1. Hive
  2. HIVE-21302

datanucleus.schema.autoCreateAll=true will not work properly as schematool



    • Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 2.1.0, 2.3.4
    • None
    • None
    • None


      The bug was found while working with configured environment: Apache Hadoop cluster and Apache Hive (the same issue on both versions 2.1 and 2.3).

      Configuration of working environment was performed in the following steps:

      1. Installed Apache Hadoop cluster
      2. Installed over cluster - Hive component
      3. Configured properties in hive-site.xml
           	 <description>the URL of the Derby database</description>
          	<description>Driver class name for a JDBC metastore</description>
          	<description>location of default database for the warehouse</description>
           	<description>creates necessary schema on a startup if one doesnt exist.</description>
      4. Installed IJ utility to work with embedded DB, according to steps in the guide.
      5. Launched services: hiveserver2 and metastore
        • hive --service hiveserver2
        •  hive --service metastore
      6. The next step was to start the utility in the next steps:
        • $ cd $DERBY_INSTALL/bin
        •  $ . setEmbeddedCP
        • $ echo $CLASSPATH /opt/Apache/db-derby-
        • Start up ij with this command: ./ij
           connect 'jdbc:derby:/opt/hadoop/hive/metastore_db';

           But after performing that command appears the next error.

          ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:/opt/hadoop/hive/metastore_db';
          ERROR XJ040: Failed to start database '/opt/hadoop/hive/metastore_db' with class loader sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@5e2de80c, see the next exception for details.
          ERROR XSDB6: Another instance of Derby may have already booted the database /opt/hadoop/hive/metastore_db.

          To resolve this error need to stop all hive services, like hiveserver2 and metastore. Whereupon again enter the command for connect to DB connect 'jdbc:derby:/opt/hadoop/hive/metastore_db'; that was successful.

      7. As far as metastore service was launched, he generated all tables lists in the package.jdo file, which we could see if perform the next command in ij utility: ij(CONNECTION1)> show tables;
        ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:/opt/hadoop/hive/metastore_db';
        ij(CONNECTION1)> show tables;
        TABLE_SCHEM         |TABLE_NAME                    |REMARKS             
        SYS                 |SYSALIASES                    |                    
        SYS                 |SYSCHECKS                     |                    
        SYS                 |SYSCOLPERMS                   |                    
        SYS                 |SYSCOLUMNS                    |                    
        SYS                 |SYSCONGLOMERATES              |                    
        SYS                 |SYSCONSTRAINTS                |                    
        SYS                 |SYSDEPENDS                    |                    
        SYS                 |SYSFILES                      |                    
        SYS                 |SYSFOREIGNKEYS                |                    
        SYS                 |SYSKEYS                       |                    
        SYS                 |SYSPERMS                      |                    
        SYS                 |SYSROLES                      |                    
        SYS                 |SYSROUTINEPERMS               |                    
        SYS                 |SYSSCHEMAS                    |                    
        SYS                 |SYSSEQUENCES                  |                    
        SYS                 |SYSSTATEMENTS                 |                    
        SYS                 |SYSSTATISTICS                 |                    
        SYS                 |SYSTABLEPERMS                 |                    
        SYS                 |SYSTABLES                     |                    
        SYS                 |SYSTRIGGERS                   |                    
        SYS                 |SYSUSERS                      |                    
        SYS                 |SYSVIEWS                      |                    
        SYSIBM              |SYSDUMMY1                     |                    
        APP                 |BUCKETING_COLS                |                    
        APP                 |CDS                           |                    
        APP                 |COLUMNS_V2                    |                    
        APP                 |DATABASE_PARAMS               |                    
        APP                 |DBS                           |                    
        APP                 |GLOBAL_PRIVS                  |                    
        APP                 |PARTITIONS                    |                    
        APP                 |PARTITION_KEYS                |                    
        APP                 |PARTITION_KEY_VALS            |                    
        APP                 |PARTITION_PARAMS              |                    
        APP                 |PART_COL_STATS                |                    
        APP                 |ROLES                         |                    
        APP                 |SDS                           |                    
        APP                 |SD_PARAMS                     |                    
        APP                 |SEQUENCE_TABLE                |                    
        APP                 |SERDES                        |                    
        APP                 |SERDE_PARAMS                  |                    
        APP                 |SKEWED_COL_NAMES              |                    
        APP                 |SKEWED_COL_VALUE_LOC_MAP      |                    
        APP                 |SKEWED_STRING_LIST            |                    
        APP                 |SKEWED_STRING_LIST_VALUES     |                    
        APP                 |SKEWED_VALUES                 |                    
        APP                 |SORT_COLS                     |                    
        APP                 |TABLE_PARAMS                  |                    
        APP                 |TAB_COL_STATS                 |                    
        APP                 |TBLS                          |                    
        APP                 |VERSION                       |                    
        50 rows selected
      1. But if instead of start/stop services use the next command: /opt/hadoop/hive/bin/schematool -dbType derby -initSchema.

      The result will be fundamentally different because the this command involve hive-schema-2.1.0.mysql.sql script that generate the following tables:

      ij(CONNECTION1)> show tables;
      TABLE_SCHEM         |TABLE_NAME                    |REMARKS             
      SYS                 |SYSALIASES                    |                    
      SYS                 |SYSCHECKS                     |                    
      SYS                 |SYSCOLPERMS                   |                    
      SYS                 |SYSCOLUMNS                    |                    
      SYS                 |SYSCONGLOMERATES              |                    
      SYS                 |SYSCONSTRAINTS                |                    
      SYS                 |SYSDEPENDS                    |                    
      SYS                 |SYSFILES                      |                    
      SYS                 |SYSFOREIGNKEYS                |                    
      SYS                 |SYSKEYS                       |                    
      SYS                 |SYSPERMS                      |                    
      SYS                 |SYSROLES                      |                    
      SYS                 |SYSROUTINEPERMS               |                    
      SYS                 |SYSSCHEMAS                    |                    
      SYS                 |SYSSEQUENCES                  |                    
      SYS                 |SYSSTATEMENTS                 |                    
      SYS                 |SYSSTATISTICS                 |                    
      SYS                 |SYSTABLEPERMS                 |                    
      SYS                 |SYSTABLES                     |                    
      SYS                 |SYSTRIGGERS                   |                    
      SYS                 |SYSUSERS                      |                    
      SYS                 |SYSVIEWS                      |                    
      SYSIBM              |SYSDUMMY1                     |                    
      APP                 |AUX_TABLE                     |                    
      APP                 |BUCKETING_COLS                |                    
      APP                 |CDS                           |                    
      APP                 |COLUMNS                       |                    
      APP                 |COLUMNS_V2                    |                    
      APP                 |COMPACTION_QUEUE              |                    
      APP                 |COMPLETED_COMPACTIONS         |                    
      APP                 |COMPLETED_TXN_COMPONENTS      |                    
      APP                 |DATABASE_PARAMS               |                    
      APP                 |DBS                           |                    
      APP                 |DB_PRIVS                      |                    
      APP                 |DELEGATION_TOKENS             |                    
      APP                 |FUNCS                         |                    
      APP                 |FUNC_RU                       |                    
      APP                 |GLOBAL_PRIVS                  |                    
      APP                 |HIVE_LOCKS                    |                    
      APP                 |IDXS                          |                    
      APP                 |INDEX_PARAMS                  |                    
      APP                 |KEY_CONSTRAINTS               |                    
      APP                 |MASTER_KEYS                   |                    
      APP                 |NEXT_COMPACTION_QUEUE_ID      |                    
      APP                 |NEXT_LOCK_ID                  |                    
      APP                 |NEXT_TXN_ID                   |                    
      APP                 |NOTIFICATION_LOG              |                    
      APP                 |NOTIFICATION_SEQUENCE         |                    
      APP                 |NUCLEUS_TABLES                |                    
      APP                 |PARTITIONS                    |                    
      APP                 |PARTITION_EVENTS              |                    
      APP                 |PARTITION_KEYS                |                    
      APP                 |PARTITION_KEY_VALS            |                    
      APP                 |PARTITION_PARAMS              |                    
      APP                 |PART_COL_PRIVS                |                    
      APP                 |PART_COL_STATS                |                    
      APP                 |PART_PRIVS                    |                    
      APP                 |ROLES                         |                    
      APP                 |ROLE_MAP                      |                    
      APP                 |SDS                           |                    
      APP                 |SD_PARAMS                     |                    
      APP                 |SEQUENCE_TABLE                |                    
      APP                 |SERDES                        |                    
      APP                 |SERDE_PARAMS                  |                    
      APP                 |SKEWED_COL_NAMES              |                    
      APP                 |SKEWED_COL_VALUE_LOC_MAP      |                    
      APP                 |SKEWED_STRING_LIST            |                    
      APP                 |SKEWED_STRING_LIST_VALUES     |                    
      APP                 |SKEWED_VALUES                 |                    
      APP                 |SORT_COLS                     |                    
      APP                 |TABLE_PARAMS                  |                    
      APP                 |TAB_COL_STATS                 |                    
      APP                 |TBLS                          |                    
      APP                 |TBL_COL_PRIVS                 |                    
      APP                 |TBL_PRIVS                     |                    
      APP                 |TXNS                          |                    
      APP                 |TXN_COMPONENTS                |                    
      APP                 |TYPES                         |                    
      APP                 |TYPE_FIELDS                   |                    
      APP                 |VERSION                       |                    
      APP                 |WRITE_SET                     |                    
      81 rows selected

       As a result we could see that property that was used in the hive-site.xml doesn’t work properly and we should avoid using her. That is we must use only schematool.

         <description>creates necessary schema on a startup if one doesnt exist.</description>




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            Polishchuk Oleksandr Polishchuk
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