the script is as follows.
their are 120 "select xx from xx union all.. ".
But it sometimes fail to insert data into partition of table ,with none exception or failure information。
what's the problem? how to avoid the problem?
code |
set hive.exec.parallel=true; set hive.exec.parallel.thread.number=50; insert into mart.yy_indicate_mon PARTITION (pt_dt = '${hiveconf:tx_date}') select 'BLL-YQQS','business_overtime_count',count(1),'yqqs' ,'xxx' from sda.loancore_asset_repay_plan t where t.REPAY_PLAN_STATUS in('4','5') and pt_dt = 'xxx' union all SELECT 'BLL-GJBLLQSB','business_overtime_count_per',OVERDUE_NUM/ALL_NUM ,'yqqsb' ,'xxx2' from (SELECT COUNT(1) OVERDUE_NUM FROM sda.loancore_asset_repay_plan t where t.REPAY_PLAN_STATUS in('4','5') and pt_dt = '${hiveconf:tx_date}') a,(SELECT COUNT(1) ALL_NUM FROM sda.loancore_asset_repay_plan WHERE REPAY_PLAN_STATUS in('1','4','5') and pt_dt = 'xxx') b union all 。。。 |