Explain of the same query takes
0.1 to 3 seconds in hive 2.1.0 &
10-15 min in hive 2.3.2 & latest master
Sample expression below
EXPLAIN SELECT DISTINCT IF(lower('a') <= lower('a') ,'a' ,IF(('a' IS NULL AND from_unixtime(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) <= 'a') ,'a' ,IF(if('a' = 'a', TRUE, FALSE) = 1 ,'a' ,IF(('a' = 1 and lower('a') NOT IN ('a', 'a') and lower(if('a' = 'a','a','a')) <= lower('a')) OR ('a' like 'a' OR 'a' like 'a') OR 'a' in ('a','a') ,'a' ,IF(if(lower('a') in ('a', 'a') and 'a'='a', TRUE, FALSE) = 1 ,'a' ,IF('a'='a' and unix_timestamp(if('a' = 'a',cast('a' as string),coalesce('a',cast('a' as string),from_unixtime(unix_timestamp())))) <= unix_timestamp(concat_ws('a',cast(lower('a') as string),'00:00:00')) + 9*3600 ,'a' ,If(lower('a') <= lower('a') and if(lower('a') in ('a', 'a') and 'a'<>'a', TRUE, FALSE) <> 1 ,'a' ,IF('a'=1 AND 'a'=1 ,'a' ,IF('a' = 1 and COALESCE(cast('a' as int),0) = 0 ,'a' ,IF('a' = 'a' ,'a' ,If('a' = 'a' AND lower('a')>lower(if(lower('a')<1830,'a',cast(date_add('a',1) as timestamp))) ,'a' ,IF('a' = 1 ,IF('a' in ('a', 'a') and ((unix_timestamp('a')-unix_timestamp('a')) / 60) > 30 and 'a' = 1 ,'a', 'a') ,IF(if('a' = 'a', FALSE, TRUE ) = 1 AND 'a' IS NULL ,'a' ,IF('a' = 1 and 'a'>0 , 'a' ,IF('a' = 1 AND 'a' ='a' ,'a' ,IF('a' is not null and 'a' is not null and 'a' > 'a' ,'a' ,IF('a' = 1 ,'a' ,IF('a' = 'a' ,'a' ,If('a' = 1 ,'a' ,IF('a' = 1 ,'a' ,IF('a' = 1 ,'a' ,IF('a' ='a' and 'a' ='a' and cast(unix_timestamp('a') as int) + 93600 < cast(unix_timestamp() as int) ,'a' ,IF('a' = 'a' ,'a' ,IF('a' = 'a' and 'a' in ('a','a','a') ,'a' ,IF('a' = 'a' ,'a','a')) ))))))))))))))))))))))) AS test_comp_exp
Taking a look at thread_dump shows a very large function stack getting created.
Reverting HIVE-15578 (92f31d07aa988d4a460aac56e369bfa386361776) seem to speed up the parsing.
Issue Links
- is caused by
HIVE-15578 Simplify IdentifiersParser
- Closed
HIVE-11600 Hive Parser to Support multi col in clause (x,y..) in ((..),..., ())
- Closed
- is duplicated by
HIVE-17395 HiveServer2 parsing a command with a lot of "("
- Resolved