

    • Sub-task
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 3.0.0
    • Transactions


      The following tests were removed from mm_all during "integration"... I should have never allowed such manner of intergration.
      MM logic should have been kept intact until ACID logic could catch up. Alas, here we are.

      drop table iow0_mm;
      create table iow0_mm(key int) tblproperties("transactional"="true", "transactional_properties"="insert_only");
      insert overwrite table iow0_mm select key from intermediate;
      insert into table iow0_mm select key + 1 from intermediate;
      select * from iow0_mm order by key;
      insert overwrite table iow0_mm select key + 2 from intermediate;
      select * from iow0_mm order by key;
      drop table iow0_mm;
      drop table iow1_mm; 
      create table iow1_mm(key int) partitioned by (key2 int)  tblproperties("transactional"="true", "transactional_properties"="insert_only");
      insert overwrite table iow1_mm partition (key2)
      select key as k1, key from intermediate union all select key as k1, key from intermediate;
      insert into table iow1_mm partition (key2)
      select key + 1 as k1, key from intermediate union all select key as k1, key from intermediate;
      select * from iow1_mm order by key, key2;
      insert overwrite table iow1_mm partition (key2)
      select key + 3 as k1, key from intermediate union all select key + 4 as k1, key from intermediate;
      select * from iow1_mm order by key, key2;
      insert overwrite table iow1_mm partition (key2)
      select key + 3 as k1, key + 3 from intermediate union all select key + 2 as k1, key + 2 from intermediate;
      select * from iow1_mm order by key, key2;
      drop table iow1_mm;
      drop table simple_mm;
      create table simple_mm(key int) stored as orc tblproperties ("transactional"="true", "transactional_properties"="insert_only");
      insert into table simple_mm select key from intermediate;
      -insert overwrite table simple_mm select key from intermediate;


        1. HIVE-17856.1.patch
          40 kB
          Steve Yeom
        2. HIVE-17856.2.patch
          57 kB
          Steve Yeom
        3. HIVE-17856.3.patch
          57 kB
          Steve Yeom
        4. HIVE-17856.4.patch
          64 kB
          Steve Yeom
        5. HIVE-17856.5.patch
          64 kB
          Steve Yeom
        6. HIVE-17856.6.patch
          64 kB
          Steve Yeom
        7. HIVE-17856.7.patch
          64 kB
          Steve Yeom
        8. HIVE-17856.8.patch
          64 kB
          Steve Yeom
        9. HIVE-17856.9.patch
          64 kB
          Sergey Shelukhin
        10. HIVE-17856.10.patch
          76 kB
          Steve Yeom
        11. HIVE-17856.11.patch
          75 kB
          Steve Yeom
        12. HIVE-17856.12.patch
          71 kB
          Steve Yeom
        13. HIVE-17856.13.patch
          73 kB
          Steve Yeom
        14. HIVE-17856.14.patch
          74 kB
          Steve Yeom
        15. HIVE-17856.15.patch
          74 kB
          Sergey Shelukhin
        16. HIVE-17856.16.patch
          75 kB
          Steve Yeom
        17. HIVE-17856.17.patch
          75 kB
          Steve Yeom

        Issue Links



              steveyeom2017 Steve Yeom
              sershe Sergey Shelukhin
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue

