Hive concatenation causes data loss if the ORC files in the table were written by Spark.
Here are the steps to reproduce the problem:
- create a table;
hive hive> create table aa (a string, b int) stored as orc;
- insert 2 rows using Spark;
spark-shell scala> case class AA(a:String, b:Int) scala> val df = sc.parallelize(Array(AA("b",2),AA("c",3) )).toDF scala> df.write.insertInto("aa")
- change table schema;
hive hive> alter table aa add columns(aa string, bb int);
- insert other 2 rows with Spark
spark-shell scala> case class BB(a:String, b:Int, aa:String, bb:Int) scala> val df = sc.parallelize(Array(BB("b",2,"b",2),BB("c",3,"c",3) )).toDF scala> df.write.insertInto("aa")
- at this point, running a select statement with Hive returns correctly 4 rows in the table; then run the concatenation
hive hive> alter table aa concatenate;
At this point, a select returns only 3 rows, ie. a row is missing.
Issue Links
- duplicates
HIVE-17403 Fail concatenation for unmanaged and transactional tables
- Closed