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  1. Hive
  2. HIVE-14841 Replication - Phase 2
  3. HIVE-17100

Improve HS2 operation logs for REPL commands.



    • Sub-task
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 2.1.0
    • 3.0.0
    • HiveServer2, repl


      It is necessary to log the progress the replication tasks in a structured manner as follows.
      Bootstrap Dump:

      • At the start of bootstrap dump, will add one log with below details.
        * Database Name
        * Dump Type (BOOTSTRAP)
        * (Estimated) Total number of tables/views to dump
        * (Estimated) Total number of functions to dump.
        * Dump Start Time
      • After each table dump, will add a log as follows
        * Table/View Name
        * Table dump end time
        * Table dump progress. Format is Table sequence no/(Estimated) Total number of tables and views.
      • After each function dump, will add a log as follows
        * Function Name
        * Function dump end time
        * Function dump progress. Format is Function sequence no/(Estimated) Total number of functions.
      • After completion of all dumps, will add a log as follows to consolidate the dump.
        * Database Name.
        * Dump Type (BOOTSTRAP).
        * Dump End Time.
        * (Actual) Total number of tables/views dumped.
        * (Actual) Total number of functions dumped.
        * Dump Directory.
        * Last Repl ID of the dump.

        Note: The actual and estimated number of tables/functions may not match if any table/function is dropped when dump in progress.

      Bootstrap Load:

      • At the start of bootstrap load, will add one log with below details.
        * Database Name
        * Dump directory
        * Load Type (BOOTSTRAP)
        * Total number of tables/views to load
        * Total number of functions to load.
        * Load Start Time
      • After each table load, will add a log as follows
        * Table/View Name
        * Table load completion time
        * Table load progress. Format is Table sequence no/Total number of tables and views.
      • After each function load, will add a log as follows
        * Function Name
        * Function load completion time
        * Function load progress. Format is Function sequence no/Total number of functions.
      • After completion of all dumps, will add a log as follows to consolidate the load.
        * Database Name.
        * Load Type (BOOTSTRAP).
        * Load End Time.
        * Total number of tables/views loaded.
        * Total number of functions loaded.
        * Last Repl ID of the loaded database.

      Incremental Dump:

      • At the start of database dump, will add one log with below details.
        * Database Name
        * Dump Type (INCREMENTAL)
        * (Estimated) Total number of events to dump.
        * Dump Start Time
      • After each event dump, will add a log as follows
        * Event ID
        * Event dump end time
        * Event dump progress. Format is Event sequence no/ (Estimated) Total number of events.
      • After completion of all event dumps, will add a log as follows.
        * Database Name.
        * Dump Type (INCREMENTAL).
        * Dump End Time.
        * (Actual) Total number of events dumped.
        * Dump Directory.
        * Last Repl ID of the dump.

        Note: The estimated number of events can be terribly inaccurate with actual number as we don’t have the number of events upfront until we read from metastore NotificationEvents table.

      Incremental Load:

      • At the start of incremental load, will add one log with below details.
        * Target Database Name
        * Dump directory
        * Load Type (INCREMENTAL)
        * Total number of events to load
        * Load Start Time
      • After each event load, will add a log as follows
        * Event ID
        * Event load end time
        * Event load progress. Format is Event sequence no/ Total number of events.
      • After completion of all event loads, will add a log as follows to consolidate the load.
        * Target Database Name.
        * Load Type (INCREMENTAL).
        * Load End Time.
        * Total number of events loaded.
        * Last Repl ID of the loaded database.


        1. HIVE-17100.10.patch
          506 kB
          Sankar Hariappan
        2. HIVE-17100.09.patch
          505 kB
          Sankar Hariappan
        3. HIVE-17100.08.patch
          505 kB
          Sankar Hariappan
        4. HIVE-17100.07.patch
          493 kB
          Sankar Hariappan
        5. HIVE-17100.06.patch
          493 kB
          Sankar Hariappan
        6. HIVE-17100.05.patch
          489 kB
          Sankar Hariappan
        7. HIVE-17100.04.patch
          488 kB
          Sankar Hariappan
        8. HIVE-17100.03.patch
          95 kB
          Sankar Hariappan
        9. HIVE-17100.02.patch
          95 kB
          Sankar Hariappan
        10. HIVE-17100.01.patch
          96 kB
          Sankar Hariappan

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              sankarh Sankar Hariappan
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