A variation of alter_partition_change_col.q produces wrong result:
SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode = nonstrict; create table alter_partition_change_col0 (c1 string, c2 string); load data local inpath 'dec.txt' overwrite into table alter_partition_change_col0; create table alter_partition_change_col1 (c1 string, c2 string) partitioned by (p1 string comment 'Column p1', p2 string comment 'Column p2'); insert overwrite table alter_partition_change_col1 partition (p1, p2) select c1, c2, 'abc', '123' from alter_partition_change_col0 union all select c1, c2, cast(null as string), '123' from alter_partition_change_col0; select * from alter_partition_change_col1 where p1='__HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__' or lower(p1)='a';
The "select" statement does not produce the rows containing "_HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION_".
We need another condition containing a udf so the condition is not recognized by PartFilterExprUtil.makeExpressionTree in ObjectStore. Looks like HIVE-11208 breaks it.