I was renaming my partition in a table that I've created using the location clause, and noticed that when after rename is completed, my partition is moved to the hive warehouse (hive.metastore.warehouse.dir).
create table test_local_part (col1 int) partitioned by (col2 int) location '/tmp/testtable/test_local_part';
insert into test_local_part partition (col2=1) values (1),(3);
insert into test_local_part partition (col2=2) values (3);
alter table test_local_part partition (col2='1') rename to partition (col2='4');
describe formatted test_local_part partition (col2='2')
- Detailed Partition Information
Partition Value: [2]
Database: default
Table: test_local_part
CreateTime: Mon Mar 20 13:25:28 PDT 2017
LastAccessTime: UNKNOWN
Protect Mode: None
Location: hdfs://
describe formatted test_local_part partition (col2='4')
- Detailed Partition Information
Partition Value: [4]
Database: default
Table: test_local_part
CreateTime: Mon Mar 20 13:24:53 PDT 2017
LastAccessTime: UNKNOWN
Protect Mode: None
Location: hdfs://
Per Sergio's comment - "The rename should create the new partition name in the same location of the table. "