Status: Resolved
Resolution: Duplicate
1.2.1, 1.3.0
ZooKeeperTokenStore looks as follows:
@Override public DelegationTokenInformation getToken(DelegationTokenIdentifier tokenIdentifier) { byte[] tokenBytes = zkGetData(getTokenPath(tokenIdentifier)); try { return HiveDelegationTokenSupport.decodeDelegationTokenInformation(tokenBytes); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new TokenStoreException("Failed to decode token", ex); } }
which is slightly different from DBTokenStore implementation that is protected against tokenBytes==null because nullable tokenBytes causes NPE to be thrown in HiveDelegationTokenSupport#decodeDelegationTokenInformation
Furthermore, NPE thrown here causes TokenStoreDelegationTokenSecretManager.ExpiredTokenRemover to catch it and exits MetaStore.
null from zkGetData() is possible during ZooKeeper failure or (and that was our case) when another metastore instance removes tokens during ExpiredTokenRemover run. There were two solutions of this problem:
- distributed lock in ZooKeeper acquired during one metastore instance's ExpiredTokenRemover run,
- simple null check
I think null check is sufficient if it is in DBTokenStore.
Patch will be attached.
Sorry for an edit but I think worth mentioning is a fact that possible workaround for this issue is setting hive.cluster.delegation.key.update-interval, hive.cluster.delegation.token.renew-interval and hive.cluster.delegation.token.max-lifetime to one year as described here. But in my opinion it is not an engineer-way of doing things
Issue Links
- is duplicated by
HIVE-13090 Hive metastore crashes on NPE with ZooKeeperTokenStore
- Closed