Steps to repro:
set hive.stats.dbclass=fs; set hive.stats.autogather=true; set hive.cbo.enable=true; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS aa; CREATE TABLE aa (L_ORDERKEY INT, L_PARTKEY INT, L_SUPPKEY INT, L_LINENUMBER INT, L_QUANTITY DOUBLE, L_EXTENDEDPRICE DOUBLE, L_DISCOUNT DOUBLE, L_TAX DOUBLE, L_RETURNFLAG STRING, L_LINESTATUS STRING, l_shipdate STRING, L_COMMITDATE STRING, L_RECEIPTDATE STRING, L_SHIPINSTRUCT STRING, L_SHIPMODE STRING, L_COMMENT STRING) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|'; LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/lineitem.txt' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE aa; CREATE INDEX aa_lshipdate_idx ON TABLE aa(l_shipdate) AS 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.index.AggregateIndexHandler' WITH DEFERRED REBUILD IDXPROPERTIES("AGGREGATES"="count(l_shipdate)"); ALTER INDEX aa_lshipdate_idx ON aa REBUILD; show tables; explain select l_shipdate, count(l_shipdate) from aa group by l_shipdate;
The problem is that, we create an index table default_aa_lshipdate_idx, (default is the database name) and it comes after the table aa. Then, it first drop aa, which will drop default_aa_lshipdate_idx as well as it is related to aa. It will not find the table default_aa_lshipdate_idx when it tries to drop it again, which will throw an exception.
Issue Links
- relates to
HIVE-11699 Support special characters in quoted table names
- Closed