Test case:
create table orc_test( col1 string, col2 char(10)) stored as orc tblproperties ("orc.compress"="NONE");
insert into orc_test values ('val1', '1');
select * from orc_test where col2='1';
Query returns no row.
Problem is introduced with HIVE-10286, class, method evaluatePredicateRange.
Old code:
- Object baseObj = predicate.getLiteral(PredicateLeaf.FileFormat.ORC);
- Object minValue = getConvertedStatsObj(min, baseObj);
- Object maxValue = getConvertedStatsObj(max, baseObj);
- Object predObj = getBaseObjectForComparison(baseObj, minValue);
New code:
+ Object baseObj = predicate.getLiteral();
+ Object minValue = getBaseObjectForComparison(predicate.getType(), min);
+ Object maxValue = getBaseObjectForComparison(predicate.getType(), max);
+ Object predObj = getBaseObjectForComparison(predicate.getType(), baseObj);
The values for min and max are of type String which contain as many characters as the CHAR column indicated. For example if the type is CHAR(10), and the row has value 1, the value of String min is "1 ";
Before Hive 1.2, the method getConvertedStatsObj would call StringUtils.stripEnd(statsObj.toString(), null); which would remove the trailing spaces from min and max. Later in the compareToRange method, it was able to compare "1" with "1".
In Hive 1.2 with the use getBaseObjectForComparison method, it simply returns obj.String if the data type is String, which means minValue and maxValue are still "1 ".
As a result, the compareToRange method will return a wrong value ("1".compareTo("1 ") -9 instead of 0.