Status: Resolved
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Cloudera cdh5.4.2
The following set of queries :
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test1 ; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test2 ; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test3 ; CREATE TABLE test1 (col1 INT, col2 STRING, col3 STRING, coL4 STRING, coL5 STRING, col6 STRING) ; INSERT INTO TABLE test1 VALUES (1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,"A") ; CREATE TABLE test2 (col1 INT, col2 STRING, col3 STRING, coL4 STRING, coL5 STRING, col6 STRING) ; INSERT INTO TABLE test2 VALUES (1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,"X") ; CREATE TABLE test3 (coL1 STRING) ; INSERT INTO TABLE test3 VALUES ("A") ; SELECT T2.val FROM test1 T1 LEFT JOIN (SELECT col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, COALESCE(col6,"") as val FROM test2) T2 ON T2.col1 = T1.col1 LEFT JOIN test3 T3 ON T3.col1 = T1.col6 ;
will return this :
+----------+--+ | t2.val | +----------+--+ | A | +----------+--+
Obviously, this result is wrong as table `test2` contains a "X" and no "A".
This is the most minimal example we found of this issue, in particular
having less than 6 columns in the tables will work, for instance :
SELECT T2.val FROM test1 T1 LEFT JOIN (SELECT col1, col2, col3, col4, COALESCE(col6,"") as val FROM test2) T2 ON T2.col1 = T1.col1 LEFT JOIN test3 T3 ON T3.col1 = T1.col6 ;
(same query as before, but `col5` was removed from the select)
will return :
+----------+--+ | t2.val | +----------+--+ | X | +----------+--+
Removing the `COALESCE` also removes the bug...