In FSN#startFileInt, EncryptionZoneManager#getEncryptionZoneForPath is invoked 3 times (dir.isInAnEZ(iip), dir.getEZForPath(iip), dir.getKeyName(iip)) in following code, actually we just need one.
if (dir.isInAnEZ(iip)) { EncryptionZone zone = dir.getEZForPath(iip); protocolVersion = chooseProtocolVersion(zone, supportedVersions); suite = zone.getSuite(); ezKeyName = dir.getKeyName(iip); Preconditions.checkNotNull(protocolVersion); Preconditions.checkNotNull(suite); Preconditions.checkArgument(!suite.equals(CipherSuite.UNKNOWN), "Chose an UNKNOWN CipherSuite!"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(ezKeyName); }
Also there are 2 times in following code, but just need one
if (dir.isInAnEZ(iip)) { // The path is now within an EZ, but we're missing encryption parameters if (suite == null || edek == null) { throw new RetryStartFileException(); } // Path is within an EZ and we have provided encryption parameters. // Make sure that the generated EDEK matches the settings of the EZ. String ezKeyName = dir.getKeyName(iip); if (!ezKeyName.equals(edek.getEncryptionKeyName())) { throw new RetryStartFileException(); } feInfo = new FileEncryptionInfo(suite, version, edek.getEncryptedKeyVersion().getMaterial(), edek.getEncryptedKeyIv(), ezKeyName, edek.getEncryptionKeyVersionName()); Preconditions.checkNotNull(feInfo); }