Saw a stacktrace of datanode startup with a bad volume, where even listing directories would throw an IOException. The failed volume threshold was set to 1, but it would fatally error out in File#getCanonicalPath in getDataDirsFromURIs:
File dir = new File(dirURI.getPath()); try { dataNodeDiskChecker.checkDir(localFS, new Path(dir.toURI())); dirs.add(dir); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("Invalid " + DFS_DATANODE_DATA_DIR_KEY + " " + dir + " : ", ioe); invalidDirs.append("\"").append(dir.getCanonicalPath()).append("\" "); }
Since getCanonicalPath can need to do I/O and thus throw an IOException, this catch clause doesn't properly protect startup from a failed volume.