Uploaded image for project: 'Hadoop HDFS'
  1. Hadoop HDFS
  2. HDFS-5396

FSImage.getFsImageName should check whether fsimage exists


    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • 1.2.1
    • 1.3.0
    • namenode


      In https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HDFS-5367, fsimage may not write to all IMAGE dir, so we need to check whether fsimage exists before FSImage.getFsImageName returned.


        1. HDFS-5396-branch-1.2.patch
          0.9 kB
          yunjiong zhao
        2. HDFS-5396-branch-1.2.patch
          1.0 kB
          yunjiong zhao

        Issue Links


            wheat9 Haohui Mai added a comment -

            Closing this one as won't fix as the 1.x branch is no longer in active development.

            wheat9 Haohui Mai added a comment - Closing this one as won't fix as the 1.x branch is no longer in active development.
            hadoopqa Hadoop QA added a comment -

            -1 overall

            Vote Subsystem Runtime Comment
            -1 patch 0m 0s The patch command could not apply the patch during dryrun.

            Subsystem Report/Notes
            Patch URL http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12630250/HDFS-5396-branch-1.2.patch
            Optional Tests javadoc javac unit findbugs checkstyle
            git revision branch-1 / 5f5138e
            Console output https://builds.apache.org/job/PreCommit-HDFS-Build/10758/console

            This message was automatically generated.

            hadoopqa Hadoop QA added a comment - -1 overall Vote Subsystem Runtime Comment -1 patch 0m 0s The patch command could not apply the patch during dryrun. Subsystem Report/Notes Patch URL http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12630250/HDFS-5396-branch-1.2.patch Optional Tests javadoc javac unit findbugs checkstyle git revision branch-1 / 5f5138e Console output https://builds.apache.org/job/PreCommit-HDFS-Build/10758/console This message was automatically generated.
            hadoopqa Hadoop QA added a comment -

            -1 overall

            Vote Subsystem Runtime Comment
            -1 patch 0m 0s The patch command could not apply the patch during dryrun.

            Subsystem Report/Notes
            Patch URL http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12630250/HDFS-5396-branch-1.2.patch
            Optional Tests javadoc javac unit findbugs checkstyle
            git revision branch-1 / 5f5138e
            Console output https://builds.apache.org/job/PreCommit-HDFS-Build/10725/console

            This message was automatically generated.

            hadoopqa Hadoop QA added a comment - -1 overall Vote Subsystem Runtime Comment -1 patch 0m 0s The patch command could not apply the patch during dryrun. Subsystem Report/Notes Patch URL http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12630250/HDFS-5396-branch-1.2.patch Optional Tests javadoc javac unit findbugs checkstyle git revision branch-1 / 5f5138e Console output https://builds.apache.org/job/PreCommit-HDFS-Build/10725/console This message was automatically generated.
            hadoopqa Hadoop QA added a comment -

            -1 overall. Here are the results of testing the latest attachment
            against trunk revision .

            -1 patch. The patch command could not apply the patch.

            Console output: https://builds.apache.org/job/PreCommit-HDFS-Build/6419//console

            This message is automatically generated.

            hadoopqa Hadoop QA added a comment - -1 overall . Here are the results of testing the latest attachment http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12630250/HDFS-5396-branch-1.2.patch against trunk revision . -1 patch . The patch command could not apply the patch. Console output: https://builds.apache.org/job/PreCommit-HDFS-Build/6419//console This message is automatically generated.
            zhaoyunjiong yunjiong zhao added a comment -

            Update patch.

            zhaoyunjiong yunjiong zhao added a comment - Update patch.
            zhaoyunjiong yunjiong zhao added a comment -

            I made a mistake when I resolved this as Not A Problem.
            for (Iterator<StorageDirectory> it =
            dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.IMAGE); it.hasNext()
            sd = it.next();
            will return last StorageDirectory of image, but due to HDFS-5367, it may not have fsimage in it.

            zhaoyunjiong yunjiong zhao added a comment - I made a mistake when I resolved this as Not A Problem. Because for (Iterator<StorageDirectory> it = dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.IMAGE); it.hasNext() sd = it.next(); will return last StorageDirectory of image, but due to HDFS-5367 , it may not have fsimage in it.
            zhaoyunjiong yunjiong zhao added a comment -

            The first image storage dir always have fsimage file in it.
            Restored image storage always append to the end.
            So the first one must have fsimage in it.

            zhaoyunjiong yunjiong zhao added a comment - The first image storage dir always have fsimage file in it. Restored image storage always append to the end. So the first one must have fsimage in it.

            zhaoyunjiong, can you please add a brief description about why you resolved this as Not A Problem?

            sureshms Suresh Srinivas added a comment - zhaoyunjiong , can you please add a brief description about why you resolved this as Not A Problem?
            zhaoyunjiong yunjiong zhao added a comment -

            Check whether fsimage exists before return.

            zhaoyunjiong yunjiong zhao added a comment - Check whether fsimage exists before return.


              zhaoyunjiong yunjiong zhao
              zhaoyunjiong yunjiong zhao
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue

