Seems that was resolved as a non-issue under the assumption that if the namenode & a datanode get into an inconsistent state for a given block pipeline, there should be another datanode available to replicate the block to
While testing datanode decommissioning using "dfs.exclude.hosts", I have encountered a scenario where the decommissioning gets stuck indefinitely
Below is the progression of events:
- there are initially 4 datanodes DN1, DN2, DN3, DN4
- scale-down is started by adding DN1 & DN2 to "dfs.exclude.hosts"
- HDFS block pipelines on DN1 & DN2 must now be replicated to DN3 & DN4 in order to satisfy their minimum replication factor of 2
- during this replication process is encountered which causes the following inconsistent state:
- DN3 thinks it has the block pipeline in FINALIZED state
- the namenode does not think DN3 has the block pipeline
2021-06-06 10:38:23,604 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode (DataXceiver for client at /DN2:45654 [Receiving block BP-YYY:blk_XXX]): DN3:9866:DataXceiver error processing WRITE_BLOCK operation src: /DN2:45654 dst: /DN3:9866; org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.ReplicaAlreadyExistsException: Block BP-YYY:blk_XXX already exists in state FINALIZED and thus cannot be created.
- the replication is attempted again, but:
- DN4 has the block
- DN1 and/or DN2 have the block, but don't count towards the minimum replication factor because they are being decommissioned
- DN3 does not have the block & cannot have the block replicated to it because of
- the namenode repeatedly tries to replicate the block to DN3 & repeatedly fails, this continues indefinitely
- therefore DN4 is the only live datanode with the block & the minimum replication factor of 2 cannot be satisfied
- because the minimum replication factor cannot be satisfied for the block(s) being moved off DN1 & DN2, the datanode decommissioning can never be completed
2021-06-06 10:39:10,106 INFO BlockStateChange (DatanodeAdminMonitor-0): Block: blk_XXX, Expected Replicas: 2, live replicas: 1, corrupt replicas: 0, decommissioned replicas: 0, decommissioning replicas: 2, maintenance replicas: 0, live entering maintenance replicas: 0, excess replicas: 0, Is Open File: false, Datanodes having this block: DN1:9866 DN2:9866 DN4:9866 , Current Datanode: DN1:9866, Is current datanode decommissioning: true, Is current datanode entering maintenance: false ... 2021-06-06 10:57:10,105 INFO BlockStateChange (DatanodeAdminMonitor-0): Block: blk_XXX, Expected Replicas: 2, live replicas: 1, corrupt replicas: 0, decommissioned replicas: 0, decommissioning replicas: 2, maintenance replicas: 0, live entering maintenance replicas: 0, excess replicas: 0, Is Open File: false, Datanodes having this block: DN1:9866 DN2:9866 DN4:9866 , Current Datanode: DN2:9866, Is current datanode decommissioning: true, Is current datanode entering maintenance: false
Being stuck in decommissioning state forever is not an intended behavior of DataNode decommissioning
A few potential solutions:
- Address the root cause of the problem which is an inconsistent state between namenode & datanode:
- Detect when datanode decommissioning is stuck due to lack of available datanodes for satisfying the minimum replication factor, then recover by re-enabling the datanodes being decommissioned
Issue Links
- is caused by
HDFS-721 ERROR Block blk_XXX_1030 already exists in state RBW and thus cannot be created
- Resolved
- links to