A RANDOM mount point should allow to creating new files if one subcluster is down also with Fault Tolerance was enabled. but here it's failed.
MultiDestination_client]# hdfs dfsrouteradmin -ls /test_ec
Mount Table Entries:
Source Destinations Owner Group Mode Quota/Usage
/test_ec hacluster->/tes_ec,hacluster1->/tes_ec test ficommon rwxr-xr-x [NsQuota: -/-, SsQuota: -/-]
File Write throne the Exception:-
2020-08-26 19:13:21,839 WARN hdfs.DataStreamer: Abandoning blk_1073743375_2551
2020-08-26 19:13:21,877 WARN hdfs.DataStreamer: Excluding datanode DatanodeInfoWithStorage[DISK]
2020-08-26 19:13:21,878 WARN hdfs.DataStreamer: DataStreamer Exception Unable to create new block.
at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DataStreamer.nextBlockOutputStream(
2020-08-26 19:13:21,879 WARN hdfs.DataStreamer: Could not get block locations. Source file "/test_ec/f1.COPYING" - Aborting...block==null
put: Could not get block locations. Source file "/test_ec/f1.COPYING" - Aborting...block==null