LazyPersistTestCase has some issues hat lead to inconsistent result of the test cases:
- the wait periods to change of status is too long. It reaches 10 secs in some cases.
- triggerBlockReport() only triggers FBR of DN with index 0. This is counter intuitive because the JUnit tests restart the DN assuming that the restarted DN will send a FBR. However, this never happens because the DN will get a new index post restart.
protected final void triggerBlockReport() throws IOException, InterruptedException { // Trigger block report to NN DataNodeTestUtils.triggerBlockReport(cluster.getDataNodes().get(0)); Thread.sleep(10 * 1000); }
inigoiri suggested that we propagate the findings and fixes from HDFS-13179 and HDFS-15144 into This will eventually reduce the runtime and make the test cases more stable.