Decommission test hangs in our clusters.
Have seen the messages as follow
2019-10-22 15:58:51,514 TRACE org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.DatanodeAdminManager: Block blk_-9223372035600425840_372987973 numExpected=9, numLive=5
2019-10-22 15:58:51,514 INFO BlockStateChange: Block: blk_-9223372035600425840_372987973, Expected Replicas: 9, live replicas: 5, corrupt replicas: 0, decommissioned replicas: 0, decommissioning replicas: 4, maintenance replicas: 0, live entering maintenance replicas: 0, excess replicas: 0, Is Open File: false, Datanodes having this block: , Current Datanode:, Is current datanode decommissioning: true, Is current datanode entering maintenance: false
2019-10-22 15:58:51,514 DEBUG org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.DatanodeAdminManager: Node still has 1 blocks to replicate before it is a candidate to finish Decommission In Progress
After digging the source code and cluster log, guess it happens as follow steps.
- Storage strategy is RS-6-3-1024k.
- EC block b consists of b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8. b0 is from datanode dn0, b1 is from datanode dn1, ...etc
- At the beginning dn0 is in decommission progress, b0 is replicated successfully, and dn0 is still in decommission progress.
- Later b1, b2, b3 in decommission progress, and dn4 containing b4 is out of service, so need to reconstruct, and create ErasureCodingWork to do it, in the ErasureCodingWork, additionalReplRequired is 4
- Because hasAllInternalBlocks is false, Will call ErasureCodingWork#addTaskToDatanode -> DatanodeDescriptor#addBlockToBeErasureCoded, and send BlockECReconstructionInfo task to Datanode
- DataNode can not reconstruction the block because targets is 4, greater than 3( parity number).
There is a problem as follow, from
// should reconstruct all the internal blocks before scheduling // replication task for decommissioning node(s). if (additionalReplRequired - numReplicas.decommissioning() - numReplicas.liveEnteringMaintenanceReplicas() > 0) { additionalReplRequired = additionalReplRequired - numReplicas.decommissioning() - numReplicas.liveEnteringMaintenanceReplicas(); }
Should reconstruction firstly and then replicate for decommissioning. Because numReplicas.decommissioning() is 4, and additionalReplRequired is 4, that's wrong,
numReplicas.decommissioning() should be 3, it should exclude live replica.
If so, additionalReplRequired will be 1, reconstruction will schedule as expected. After that, decommission goes on.