Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
3 Node SUSE Linux Cluster
EC: "removePolicy" is not working for built-in/system Erasure Code policies
- Check the existing built-in EC policies with command "hdfs ec -listPolicies"
- try to remove any of the EC policies,it will throw error message as "RemoteException: System erasure coding policy RS-3-2-1024k cannot be removed"
- add user-defined EC policies
- Try to remove any user-defined policy,it will be removed successfully
- But in help option it is specified as :
vm1:/opt/client/install/hadoop/namenode/bin> ./hdfs ec -help removePolicy
[-removePolicy -policy <policy>]
Remove an erasure coding policy.
<policy> The name of the erasure coding policy
Actual result :-
hdfs ec -removePolicy not working for built-in/system EC policies ,where as usage description
provided as "Remove an erasure coding policy".throwing exception as : "RemoteException: System erasure coding policy RS-3-2-1024k cannot be removed"
Expected output : Either EC "removePolicy" option should be applicable for all type of EC policies
Or it has to be specified in usage that EC "removePolicy" will be applicable to remove
only user-defined EC policies, not applicable for system EC coding policies.