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  1. Hadoop HDFS
  2. HDFS-7240 Scaling HDFS
  3. HDFS-12655

Ozone: use specific names for RPC.Server instances



    • Sub-task
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • HDFS-7240
    • HDFS-7240
    • ozone
    • None
    • Reviewed


      My original motivation is using meaningful names on the scm web ui. As you can see on the attached screenshot we display the metrics for all the RPC servers (using hadoop metrics published on jmx). Unfortunatelly we can display only the port number on the web ui as there are no meaningfull names published on the jmx interface.

      After some investigation I found that there is a serverName constructor parameter int Rpc.Server but it is NOT used currently.

      This patch will:

      1. store the serverName in field of RPC.Server a
      2. Improve the way how the serverName is calculated from the protocol class names (it's typically an anonnymous inner class, so I remove the unnecessary $-s from the name.)
      3. Add a new tag to the RpcMetrics based on the serverName field of the Rpc.Server It will be displayed over JMX
      4. Add unit tests for checking the tag values and the default classname->servername mapping.

      ps: I need it for Ozone SCM web ui, but let ne know if it should be moved to HADOOP project/trunk.


        1. rpcmetrics.png
          26 kB
          Marton Elek
        2. HDFS-12655-HDFS-7240.001.patch
          10 kB
          Marton Elek



            elek Marton Elek
            elek Marton Elek
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