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  1. Hadoop HDFS
  2. HDFS-7240 Scaling HDFS
  3. HDFS-12588

Use GenericOptionsParser for scm and ksm daemon



    • Sub-task
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • HDFS-7240
    • HDFS-720
    • None
    • None
    • Reviewed
    • ozone


      Most of the hadoop commands use the GenericOptionsParser to use some common CLI arguments (such as -conf or -D or -libjars to define configuration/modify configuration/modify classpath).

      I suggest to use the same common options to scm and ksm daemons as well, as:

      1. It allows to use the existing cluster management tools/scripts as the daemons could be configured in the same way as namenode and datanode
      2. It follows the convention from the hadoop common.
      3. It's easier to develop from the IDE (I start the ksm/scm/datanode/namenode from intellij but I need to add the configuration to the classpath. With -conf I would able to use external configration.)

      I found one problem during the implementation. Until now we used `hdfs scm` command both for the daemon and the scm command line client. If there were no parameters the daemon is started, with parameters the cli is started. The help listed only the damon.

      The -conf (GenericOptionParser) could be used only if we separate the scm and scmcli commands. But any way, it's a more clean and visible if we have separated `hdfs scm` and `hdfs scmcli`.


        1. HDFS-12588-HDFS-7240.001.patch
          8 kB
          Marton Elek
        2. HDFS-12588-HDFS-7240.002.patch
          8 kB
          Marton Elek
        3. HDFS-12588-HDFS-7240.003.patch
          7 kB
          Marton Elek
        4. HDFS-12588-HDFS-7240.004.patch
          7 kB
          Marton Elek
        5. HDFS-12588-HDFS-7240.005.patch
          7 kB
          Marton Elek
        6. HDFS-12588-HDFS-7240.006.patch
          7 kB
          Marton Elek



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