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  1. Hadoop HDFS
  2. HDFS-10576 DiskBalancer followup work items
  3. HDFS-10681

DiskBalancer: query command should report Plan file path apart from PlanID



    • Sub-task
    • Status: Resolved
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 3.0.0-alpha1
    • 3.0.0-alpha1
    • diskbalancer
    • None


      DiskBalancer query command currently reports planID (SHA512 hex) only. Currently ongoing disk balancing activity in a datanode can be cancelled wither by planID + datanode_address or just by pointing to the right plan file. Since there could be many plan files, to avoid ambiguity its better if query command can report the plan file path also.

      $ hdfs diskbalancer --help query 
      usage: hdfs diskbalancer -query <hostname>  [options]
      Query Plan queries a given data node about the current state of disk
      balancer execution.
          --query <arg>   Queries the disk balancer status of a given datanode.
      Query command retrievs *the plan ID* and the current running state.

      Sample query command output:

      16/06/20 15:42:16 INFO command.Command: Executing "query plan" command.
      Plan ID: 04f41e2e1fa2d63558284be85155ea68154fb6ab435f1078c642d605d06626f176da16b321b35c99f1f6cd0cd77090c8743bb9a19190c4a01b5f8c51a515e240 Result: PLAN_UNDER_PROGRESS
      16/06/20 15:46:09 INFO command.Command: Executing "query plan" command.
      Plan ID: 04f41e2e1fa2d63558284be85155ea68154fb6ab435f1078c642d605d06626f176da16b321b35c99f1f6cd0cd77090c8743bb9a19190c4a01b5f8c51a515e240 Result: PLAN_DONE

      Cancel command syntax:

      $ hdfs diskbalancer --help cancel
      *usage: hdfs diskbalancer -cancel <planFile> | -cancel <planID> -node
      Cancel command cancels a running disk balancer operation.
          --cancel <arg>   Cancels a running plan using a plan file.
          --node <arg>     Cancels a running plan using a plan ID and hostName
      Cancel command can be run via pointing to a plan file, or by reading the
      plan ID using the query command and then using planID and hostname.
      Examples of how to run this command are
      hdfs diskbalancer -cancel <planfile>
      hdfs diskbalancer -cancel <planID> -node <hostname>


        1. HDFS-10681.001.patch
          24 kB
          Manoj Govindassamy
        2. HDFS-10681.002.patch
          24 kB
          Manoj Govindassamy



            manojg Manoj Govindassamy
            manojg Manoj Govindassamy
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