Similar to the apache/hadoop:2 and apache/hadoop:3 images I propose to provide apache/ozone docker images which includes the voted release binaries.
The image can follow all the conventions from HADOOP-14898
I propose to create new docker branches:
And ask INFRA to register docker-ozone-(.*) in the dockerhub to create apache/ozone: images
I propose to create a default runner script which starts om + scm + datanode + s3g all together. With this approach you can start a full ozone cluster as easy as
docker run -p 9878:9878 -p 9876:9876 -p 9874:9874 -d apache/ozone
That's all. This is an all-in-one docker image which is ready to try out.
3. RUNNING with compose
I propose to include a default docker-compose + config file in the image. To start a multi-node pseudo cluster it will be enough to execute:
docker run apache/ozone cat docker-compose.yaml > docker-compose.yaml docker run apache/ozone cat docker-config > docker-config docker-compose up -d
That's all, and you have a multi-(pseudo)node ozone cluster which could be scaled up and down with ozone.
4. k8s
Later we can also provide k8s resource files with the same approach:
docker run apache/ozone cat k8s.yaml | kubectl apply -f -