This has been a comment in the Jira in HDDS-693 from anu
@DefaultValue("STAND_ALONE") @QueryParam("replicationType")
Just an opportunistic comment. Not part of this patch, this query param will not be sent by S3 hence this will always default to Stand_Alone. At some point we need to move to RATIS, Perhaps we have to read this via x-amz-storage-class.
I propose below solution for this:
Currently, in code we take query params replicationType and replicationFactor and default them to Stand alone and 1. But these query params cannot be passed from aws cli.
We want to use x-amz-storage-class header and pass the values. By default for S3 If you don't specify this it defaults to Standard. So, in Ozone over S3 also, as we want to default to Ratis and replication factor three by default.
We can use the mapping Standard to RATIS and REDUCED_REDUNDANCY to Stand alone.
There are 2 more values
STANDARD_IA and ONEZONE_IA these need to be considered later how we want to use them. Intially we are considering to use Standard and Reduced_Redundancy.
Issue Links
- causes
HDDS-779 Fix ASF License violation in S3Consts and S3Utils
- Resolved