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  1. Apache Ozone
  2. HDDS-7002

Unnable to deploy ozone in cluster mode



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Critical
    • Resolution: Not A Bug
    • 1.2.1
    • 1.2.1
    • Native
    • None
    • ozone 1.2.1

      hdfs 3.1.3

    • I just changed volume and bucket sizes.
    • Patch, Important


      I'm following with documentation guide here https://hadoop.apache.org/ozone/docs/0.4.1-alpha/start/onprem.html and always fails after trying to start datanodes - they are always in safemode. Can somebody help me out with understanding how to scale ozone up to more than 1 datanode?


      Here is my $OZONE_HOME/etc/hadoop/ozone-env.sh:

      # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
      # or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
      # distributed with this work for additional information
      # regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
      # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
      # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
      # with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
      #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      # limitations under the License.# Set Ozone-specific environment variables here.# Enable core dump when crash in C++
      ulimit -c unlimited# Many of the options here are built from the perspective that users
      # may want to provide OVERWRITING values on the command line.
      # For example:
      #  JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/testing ozone fs -ls
      # Therefore, the vast majority (BUT NOT ALL!) of these defaults
      # are configured for substitution and not append.  If append
      # is preferable, modify this file accordingly.###
      # Generic settings
      #### Technically, the only required environment variable is JAVA_HOME.
      # All others are optional.  However, the defaults are probably not
      # preferred.  Many sites configure these options outside of Ozone,
      # such as in /etc/profile.d# The java implementation to use. By default, this environment
      # variable is REQUIRED on ALL platforms except OS X!
      export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- /opt/ozone/ozone-1.2.1
      # Location of Ozone.  By default, Ozone will attempt to determine
      # this location based upon its execution path.
      export OZONE_HOME=/opt/ozone/ozone-1.2.1# Location of Ozone's configuration information.  i.e., where this
      # file is living. If this is not defined, Ozone will attempt to
      # locate it based upon its execution path.
      # NOTE: It is recommend that this variable not be set here but in
      # /etc/profile.d or equivalent.  Some options (such as
      # --config) may react strangely otherwise.
      export OZONE_CONF_DIR=${OZONE_HOME}/etc/hadoop# The maximum amount of heap to use (Java -Xmx).  If no unit
      # is provided, it will be converted to MB.  Daemons will
      # prefer any Xmx setting in their respective _OPT variable.
      # There is no default; the JVM will autoscale based upon machine
      # memory size.
      # export OZONE_HEAPSIZE_MAX=# The minimum amount of heap to use (Java -Xms).  If no unit
      # is provided, it will be converted to MB.  Daemons will
      # prefer any Xms setting in their respective _OPT variable.
      # There is no default; the JVM will autoscale based upon machine
      # memory size.
      # export OZONE_HEAPSIZE_MIN=# Extra Java runtime options for all Ozone commands. We don't support
      # IPv6 yet/still, so by default the preference is set to IPv4.
      # export OZONE_OPTS="-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true"
      # For Kerberos debugging, an extended option set logs more information
      export OZONE_OPTS="-XX:ParallelGCThreads=8 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=70 -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled"
      #"-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dsun.security.krb5.debug=true -Dsun.security.spnego.debug"# Some parts of the shell code may do special things dependent upon
      # the operating system.  We have to set this here. See the next
      # section as to why....
      export OZONE_OS_TYPE=${OZONE_OS_TYPE:-$(uname -s)}# Extra Java runtime options for some Ozone commands
      # and clients (e.g., ozone sh).  These get appended to OZONE_OPTS for
      # such commands.  In most cases, this should be left empty and
      # let users supply it on the command line.
      # export OZONE_CLIENT_OPTS=""#
      # A note about classpaths.
      # By default, Apache Ozone overrides Java's CLASSPATH
      # environment variable.  It is configured such
      # that it starts out blank with new entries added after passing
      # a series of checks (file/dir exists, not already listed aka
      # de-deduplication).  During de-deduplication, wildcards and/or
      # directories are *NOT* expanded to keep it simple. Therefore,
      # if the computed classpath has two specific mentions of
      # awesome-methods-1.0.jar, only the first one added will be seen.
      # If two directories are in the classpath that both contain
      # awesome-methods-1.0.jar, then Java will pick up both versions.# An additional, custom CLASSPATH. Site-wide configs should be
      # handled via the shellprofile functionality, utilizing the
      # ozone_add_classpath function for greater control and much
      # harder for apps/end-users to accidentally override.
      # Similarly, end users should utilize ${HOME}/.ozonerc .
      # This variable should ideally only be used as a short-cut,
      # interactive way for temporary additions on the command line.
      # export OZONE_CLASSPATH="/some/cool/path/on/your/machine"# Should OZONE_CLASSPATH be first in the official CLASSPATH?
      # OZONE_USER_CLASSPATH_FIRST are ignored.
      # export OZONE_USE_CLIENT_CLASSLOADER=true###
      # Options for remote shell connectivity
      #### There are some optional components of ozone that allow for
      # command and control of remote hosts.  For example,
      # start-ozone.sh will attempt to bring up all OMs, SCMs, DNs, etc.# Options to pass to SSH when one of the "log into a host and
      # start/stop daemons" scripts is executed
      # export OZONE_SSH_OPTS="-o BatchMode=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=10s"# The built-in ssh handler will limit itself to 10 simultaneous connections.
      # For pdsh users, this sets the fanout size ( -f )
      # Change this to increase/decrease as necessary.
      # export OZONE_SSH_PARALLEL=10# Filename which contains all of the hosts for any remote execution
      # helper scripts # such as workers.sh, start-ozone.sh, etc.
      # export OZONE_WORKERS="${OZONE_CONF_DIR}/workers"###
      # Options for all daemons
      # Many options may also be specified as Java properties.  It is
      # very common, and in many cases, desirable, to hard-set these
      # in daemon _OPTS variables.  Where applicable, the appropriate
      # Java property is also identified.  Note that many are re-used
      # or set differently in certain contexts (e.g., secure vs
      # non-secure)
      ## Where (primarily) daemon log files are stored.
      # ${OZONE_HOME}/logs by default.
      # Java property: hadoop.log.dir
      # export OZONE_LOG_DIR=${OZONE_HOME}/logs# A string representing this instance of Ozone. $USER by default.
      # This is used in writing log and pid files, so keep that in mind!
      # Java property: hadoop.id.str
      # export OZONE_IDENT_STRING=$USER# How many seconds to pause after stopping a daemon
      # export OZONE_STOP_TIMEOUT=5# Where pid files are stored.  /tmp by default.
      export OZONE_PID_DIR=/data/disk1/meta# Default log4j setting for interactive commands
      # Java property: hadoop.root.logger
      # export OZONE_ROOT_LOGGER=INFO,console# Default log4j setting for daemons spawned explicitly by
      # --daemon option of ozone command.
      # Java property: hadoop.root.logger
      # export OZONE_DAEMON_ROOT_LOGGER=INFO,RFA# Default log level and output location for security-related messages.
      # You will almost certainly want to change this on a per-daemon basis via
      # the Java property (i.e., -Dhadoop.security.logger=foo).
      # Java property: hadoop.security.logger
      # export OZONE_SECURITY_LOGGER=INFO,NullAppender# Default process priority level
      # Note that sub-processes will also run at this level!
      # export OZONE_NICENESS=0# Default name for the service level authorization file
      # Java property: hadoop.policy.file
      # export OZONE_POLICYFILE="hadoop-policy.xml"#
      # NOTE: this is not used by default!  <-----
      # You can define variables right here and then re-use them later on.
      # For example, it is common to use the same garbage collection settings
      # for all the daemons.  So one could define:
      # export OZONE_GC_SETTINGS="-verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps"
      # .. and then use it when setting OZONE_OM_OPTS, etc. below###
      # Secure/privileged execution
      # Out of the box, Ozone uses jsvc from Apache Commons to launch daemons
      # on privileged ports.  This functionality can be replaced by providing
      # custom functions.  See ozone-functions.sh for more information.
      ## The jsvc implementation to use. Jsvc is required to run secure datanodes
      # that bind to privileged ports to provide authentication of data transfer
      # protocol.  Jsvc is not required if SASL is configured for authentication of
      # data transfer protocol using non-privileged ports.
      # export JSVC_HOME=/usr/bin#
      # This directory contains pids for secure and privileged processes.
      # This directory contains the logs for secure and privileged processes.
      # Java property: hadoop.log.dir
      # When running a secure daemon, the default value of OZONE_IDENT_STRING
      # ends up being a bit bogus.  Therefore, by default, the code will
      # replace OZONE_IDENT_STRING with OZONE_xx_SECURE_USER.  If one wants
      # to keep OZONE_IDENT_STRING untouched, then uncomment this line.
      # export OZONE_SECURE_IDENT_PRESERVE="true"###
      # Ozone Manager specific parameters
      # Specify the JVM options to be used when starting the Ozone Manager.
      # These options will be appended to the options specified as OZONE_OPTS
      # and therefore may override any similar flags set in OZONE_OPTS
      # export OZONE_OM_OPTS=""###
      # Ozone DataNode specific parameters
      # Specify the JVM options to be used when starting Ozone DataNodes.
      # These options will be appended to the options specified as OZONE_OPTS
      # and therefore may override any similar flags set in OZONE_OPTS
      # export OZONE_DATANODE_OPTS=""###
      # HDFS StorageContainerManager specific parameters
      # Specify the JVM options to be used when starting the HDFS Storage Container Manager.
      # These options will be appended to the options specified as OZONE_OPTS
      # and therefore may override any similar flags set in OZONE_OPTS
      # export OZONE_SCM_OPTS=""###
      # Advanced Users Only!
      # When building Ozone, one can add the class paths to the commands
      # via this special env var:
      # export OZONE_ENABLE_BUILD_PATHS="true"#
      # To prevent accidents, shell commands be (superficially) locked
      # to only allow certain users to execute certain subcommands.
      # It uses the format of (command)_(subcommand)_USER.
      # For example, to limit who can execute the om command,
      export OZONE_OM_USER=rootHDFS_DATANODE_USER=root

      Here is my $OZONE_HOME/etc/hadoop/ozone-site.xml

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
              <tag>OM, REQUIRED</tag>
            The address of the Ozone OM service. This allows clients to discover
            the address of the OM.
              <tag>OZONE, OM, SCM, CONTAINER, STORAGE, REQUIRED</tag>
            This setting is the fallback location for SCM, OM, Recon and DataNodes
            to store their metadata. This setting may be used only in test/PoC
            clusters to simplify configuration.      For production clusters or any time you care about performance, it is
            recommended that ozone.om.db.dirs, ozone.scm.db.dirs and
            dfs.container.ratis.datanode.storage.dir be configured separately.
              <tag>OZONE, SCM, REQUIRED</tag>
            The address of the Ozone SCM client service. This is a required setting.      It is a string in the host:port format. The port number is optional
            and defaults to 9860.
              <tag>OZONE, REQUIRED</tag>
            The value of this property is a set of DNS | DNS:PORT | IP
            Address | IP:PORT. Written as a comma separated string. e.g. scm1,
            This property allows datanodes to discover where SCM is, so that
            datanodes can send heartbeat to SCM.


      Here is my $OZONE_HOME/etc/hadoop/workers:



      Step to reproduce:

      • cd $OZONE_HOME
      • bin/ozone scm --init
      • bin/ozone --daemon start scm
      • bin/ozone om --init
      • bin/ozone --daemon start om
      • sbin/stop-ozone.sh
      • sbin/start-ozone.sh
      • bin/ozone --daemon start recon

      Then I have 0 healthy nodes in recon and 1 healthy node in safe mode with command bin/ozone admin datanode list. I faced this strage problem cause on prem deployment documentation does not have any instructions how should condigs at datanodes hosts look like. Where I am wrong and how to correnctly deploy ozone in cluster mode with scm, om and recon at master host and datanodes at another multiple hosts?


      Thank you.




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            dishka_krauch Dmitry Kravchuk
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