
    • Sub-task
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • None
    • test
    • None


      Enable "fail fast" (set -e, set -o pipefail, etc.) for all test and check scripts. Make sure that post-processing and cleanup steps are performed anyway.



          ppogde Prashant Pogde added a comment -

          I am managing the 1.1.0 release and we currently have more than 600 issues targeted for 1.1.0. I am moving the target field to 1.2.0.

          If you are actively working on this jira and believe this should be targeted to 1.1.0 release, Please change the target field back to 1.1.0 before Feb 05, 2021.

          ppogde Prashant Pogde added a comment - I am managing the 1.1.0 release and we currently have more than 600 issues targeted for 1.1.0. I am moving the target field to 1.2.0. If you are actively working on this jira and believe this should be targeted to 1.1.0 release, Please change the target field back to 1.1.0 before Feb 05, 2021.
          erose Ethan Rose added a comment -

          I am managing the 1.2.0 release and we currently have more than 600 issues targeted for 1.2.0. I am moving the target field to 1.3.0.

          If you are actively working on this jira and believe this should be targeted for the 1.2.0 release, Please reach out to me via Apache email or Slack.

          erose Ethan Rose added a comment - I am managing the 1.2.0 release and we currently have more than 600 issues targeted for 1.2.0. I am moving the target field to 1.3.0. If you are actively working on this jira and believe this should be targeted for the 1.2.0 release, Please reach out to me via Apache email or Slack.
          micahzhao mingchao zhao added a comment -

          Ozone 1.3.0 had been released and we currently have more than 600 open issues targeted for 1.3.0. I am moving the target field to 1.4.0.

          If there is anything needs to be discussed about the Target Version, Please reach out to me via Apache email or Slack.

          micahzhao mingchao zhao added a comment - Ozone 1.3.0 had been released and we currently have more than 600 open issues targeted for 1.3.0. I am moving the target field to 1.4.0. If there is anything needs to be discussed about the Target Version, Please reach out to me via Apache email or Slack.


            Unassigned Unassigned
            adoroszlai Attila Doroszlai
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue

