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  1. Apache Ozone
  2. HDDS-11227

Use OM's KMS from client side when connecting to a cluster and dealing with encrypted data



    • Improvement
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 2.0.0
    • None


      In the FileSystem API in Hadoop, there is a method to get some server defaults.
      In Ozone's filesystem implementation this call is not implemented, so that defaults to the implementation that is provided in the FileSystem class.
      The FileSystem class itself provides defaults by default based on the client's configuration, which is overridden for HDFS within the DistributedFileSystem class in Hadoop.

      Our implementations does not override this, and we do not provide any server side configs to the client side at the moment.
      We seen a problematic use case recently, when one client on one cluster tries to read encrypted data on an other cluster. In HDFS this works, as the hadoop.security.key.provider.path is part of the server defaults provided to the client by the NameNode, and the client is using it unless dfs.client.ignore.namenode.default.kms.uri is configured to be true, it is false by default.

      If we want to enable this use case where a client needs to communicate with encryption zones on multiple clusters, then we need to resolve providing this information to the client side. I believe this should be solved for the FileSystem API based clients and for the Ozone client itself also.
      I don't believe our S3 API is affected by this problem.


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              SaketaChalamchala Saketa Chalamchala
              pifta István Fajth
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue

