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  1. HBase
  2. HBASE-808

MAX_VERSIONS not respected.

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    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Blocker
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 0.2.1, 0.18.0
    • None
    • None


      Below is a report from the list. I confirmed playing in shell that indeed we have this problem. Lets fix for 0.2.1.

      I made some tests with HBase 0.2.0 (RC2), focused on insertion and
      timestamps behaviour. I had some surprising results, and I was wondering if
      people using hbase already tried such an usage, and what was their
      First of all I created a table with the default column attributes, using
      hbase shell
      ## TABLE
      hbase(main):008:0> describe 'proxy-0.2'
      {NAME => 'proxy-0.2', IS_ROOT => 'false', IS_META => 'false', FAMILIES =>
      [{NAME => 'status', BLOOMFILTER => '
      false', IN_MEMORY => 'false', LENGTH => '2147483647', BLOCKCACHE => 'false',
      VERSIONS => '3', TTL => '-1', COM
      PRESSION => 'NONE'}, {NAME => 'header', BLOOMFILTER => 'false', IN_MEMORY =>
      'false', LENGTH => '2147483647',
      BLOCKCACHE => 'false', VERSIONS => '3', TTL => '-1', COMPRESSION => 'NONE'},
      {NAME => 'bytes', BLOOMFILTER =>
      'false', IN_MEMORY => 'false', LENGTH => '2147483647', BLOCKCACHE =>
      'false', VERSIONS => '3', TTL => '-1', CO
      MPRESSION => 'NONE'}, {NAME => 'info', BLOOMFILTER => 'false', IN_MEMORY =>
      'false', LENGTH => '2147483647', B
      LOCKCACHE => 'false', VERSIONS => '3', TTL => '-1', COMPRESSION => 'NONE'}]}
      I make a loop that inserts the same row with different values at different
      timestamps, arbitrary from 1000 incrementing from 10 to 10. I have a method
      for dumping the row history: it makes a query for the last version, and
      queries for past version using the current version timestamp minus 1. Note
      that my table object is created once for entire program life cycle.
      ## GLOBAL CODE
      	// somewhere in constructor
      	t = new HTable(conf, TABLE_NAME);
      	 * Dump reversed history of a HBase row, querying for older version
      	 * using the max timestamp of all cells -1 until there is no cell returned
      	 * @param rowKey
      	private void dumpRowVersions(String rowKey) {
      		Logger.log.info("Versions or row : "+rowKey);
      		try {
      			// first query. The newest version of the row
      			RowResult rr = t.getRow(rowKey);
      			int version = 1;
      			long maxTs;
      			do {
      				maxTs = -1;
      				String line = "";
      				// go through all cells of the row
      				for (Map.Entry en : rr.entrySet()) {
      					long ts = en.getValue().getTimestamp();
      					maxTs = Math.max(maxTs, ts);
      					line += new String(en.getKey());
      					line += " => " + new String(en.getValue().getValue());
      					line += " ["+ts+"], ";
      				// remove the last coma and space for smarter output
      				if (line.length() > 0) {
      					line = line.substring(0, line.length()-2);
      				// prefix result with a version counter and the max timestamp 
      				// found in the cells
      				line = "#"+version+" MXTS["+maxTs+"] "+line;
      				if (maxTs != -1) {
      					// there was resulting cell. Continue iteration
      					// get previous version
      					rr = t.getRow(rowKey, maxTs-1);
      			} while (maxTs != -1);
      		} catch (IOException ex) {
      			throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot fetch history of row
      ## LOOP CODE 
      			long ts = 1000;
      			do {
      				// insert the testrow with a new timestamp
      				BatchUpdate bu = new BatchUpdate("testrow", ts);
      				bu.put("bytes:", ("valbytes ts "+ts).getBytes());
      				bu.put("status:", ("valstat ts"+ts).getBytes());
      				Logger.log.info("-- Inserted ts "+ts);
      				// dump row history
      				// next iteration in two seconds
      				ts += 10;
      			} while (true);
      ## OUTPUT
      > > Connecting to hbase master...
       > -- Inserted ts 1000
       > Versions or row : testrow
       > #1 MXTS[1000] bytes: => valbytes ts 1000 [1000], status: => valstat
      ts1000 [1000]
       > -- Inserted ts 1010
       > Versions or row : testrow
       > #1 MXTS[1010] bytes: => valbytes ts 1010 [1010], status: => valstat
      ts1010 [1010]
       > #2 MXTS[1000] bytes: => valbytes ts 1000 [1000], status: => valstat
      ts1000 [1000]
       > -- Inserted ts 1020
       > Versions or row : testrow
       > #1 MXTS[1020] bytes: => valbytes ts 1020 [1020], status: => valstat
      ts1020 [1020]
       > #2 MXTS[1010] bytes: => valbytes ts 1010 [1010], status: => valstat
      ts1010 [1010]
       > #3 MXTS[1000] bytes: => valbytes ts 1000 [1000], status: => valstat
      ts1000 [1000]
       > -- Inserted ts 1030
       > Versions or row : testrow
       > #1 MXTS[1030] bytes: => valbytes ts 1030 [1030], status: => valstat
      ts1030 [1030]
       > #2 MXTS[1020] bytes: => valbytes ts 1020 [1020], status: => valstat
      ts1020 [1020]
       > #3 MXTS[1010] bytes: => valbytes ts 1010 [1010], status: => valstat
      ts1010 [1010]
       > #4 MXTS[1000] bytes: => valbytes ts 1000 [1000], status: => valstat
      ts1000 [1000]
       > -- Inserted ts 1040
       > Versions or row : testrow
       > #1 MXTS[1040] bytes: => valbytes ts 1040 [1040], status: => valstat
      ts1040 [1040]
       > #2 MXTS[1030] bytes: => valbytes ts 1030 [1030], status: => valstat
      ts1030 [1030]
       > #3 MXTS[1020] bytes: => valbytes ts 1020 [1020], status: => valstat
      ts1020 [1020]
       > #4 MXTS[1010] bytes: => valbytes ts 1010 [1010], status: => valstat
      ts1010 [1010]
       > #5 MXTS[1000] bytes: => valbytes ts 1000 [1000], status: => valstat
      ts1000 [1000]
       > -- Inserted ts 1050
       > Versions or row : testrow
       > #1 MXTS[1050] bytes: => valbytes ts 1050 [1050], status: => valstat
      ts1050 [1050]
       > #2 MXTS[1040] bytes: => valbytes ts 1040 [1040], status: => valstat
      ts1040 [1040]
       > #3 MXTS[1030] bytes: => valbytes ts 1030 [1030], status: => valstat
      ts1030 [1030]
       > #4 MXTS[1020] bytes: => valbytes ts 1020 [1020], status: => valstat
      ts1020 [1020]
       > #5 MXTS[1010] bytes: => valbytes ts 1010 [1010], status: => valstat
      ts1010 [1010]
       > #6 MXTS[1000] bytes: => valbytes ts 1000 [1000], status: => valstat
      ts1000 [1000]
       > -- Inserted ts 1060
       > Versions or row : testrow
       > #1 MXTS[1060] bytes: => valbytes ts 1060 [1060], status: => valstat
      ts1060 [1060]
       > #2 MXTS[1050] bytes: => valbytes ts 1050 [1050], status: => valstat
      ts1050 [1050]
       > #3 MXTS[1040] bytes: => valbytes ts 1040 [1040], status: => valstat
      ts1040 [1040]
       > #4 MXTS[1030] bytes: => valbytes ts 1030 [1030], status: => valstat
      ts1030 [1030]
       > #5 MXTS[1020] bytes: => valbytes ts 1020 [1020], status: => valstat
      ts1020 [1020]
       > #6 MXTS[1010] bytes: => valbytes ts 1010 [1010], status: => valstat
      ts1010 [1010]
       > #7 MXTS[1000] bytes: => valbytes ts 1000 [1000], status: => valstat
      ts1000 [1000]
       > -- Inserted ts 1070
       > Versions or row : testrow
       > #1 MXTS[1070] bytes: => valbytes ts 1070 [1070], status: => valstat
      ts1070 [1070]
       > #2 MXTS[1060] bytes: => valbytes ts 1060 [1060], status: => valstat
      ts1060 [1060]
       > #3 MXTS[1050] bytes: => valbytes ts 1050 [1050], status: => valstat
      ts1050 [1050]
       > #4 MXTS[1040] bytes: => valbytes ts 1040 [1040], status: => valstat
      ts1040 [1040]
       > #5 MXTS[1030] bytes: => valbytes ts 1030 [1030], status: => valstat
      ts1030 [1030]
       > #6 MXTS[1020] bytes: => valbytes ts 1020 [1020], status: => valstat
      ts1020 [1020]
       > #7 MXTS[1010] bytes: => valbytes ts 1010 [1010], status: => valstat
      ts1010 [1010]
       > #8 MXTS[1000] bytes: => valbytes ts 1000 [1000], status: => valstat
      ts1000 [1000]
       > -- Inserted ts 1080
       > Versions or row : testrow
       > #1 MXTS[1080] bytes: => valbytes ts 1080 [1080], status: => valstat
      ts1080 [1080]
       > #2 MXTS[1070] bytes: => valbytes ts 1070 [1070], status: => valstat
      ts1070 [1070]
       > #3 MXTS[1060] bytes: => valbytes ts 1060 [1060], status: => valstat
      ts1060 [1060]
       > #4 MXTS[1050] bytes: => valbytes ts 1050 [1050], status: => valstat
      ts1050 [1050]
       > #5 MXTS[1040] bytes: => valbytes ts 1040 [1040], status: => valstat
      ts1040 [1040]
       > #6 MXTS[1030] bytes: => valbytes ts 1030 [1030], status: => valstat
      ts1030 [1030]
       > #7 MXTS[1020] bytes: => valbytes ts 1020 [1020], status: => valstat
      ts1020 [1020]
       > #8 MXTS[1010] bytes: => valbytes ts 1010 [1010], status: => valstat
      ts1010 [1010]
       > #9 MXTS[1000] bytes: => valbytes ts 1000 [1000], status: => valstat
      ts1000 [1000]
       > -- Inserted ts 1090
       > Versions or row : testrow
       > #1 MXTS[1090] bytes: => valbytes ts 1090 [1090], status: => valstat
      ts1090 [1090]
       > #2 MXTS[1080] bytes: => valbytes ts 1080 [1080], status: => valstat
      ts1080 [1080]
       > #3 MXTS[1070] bytes: => valbytes ts 1070 [1070], status: => valstat
      ts1070 [1070]
       > #4 MXTS[1060] bytes: => valbytes ts 1060 [1060], status: => valstat
      ts1060 [1060]
       > #5 MXTS[1050] bytes: => valbytes ts 1050 [1050], status: => valstat
      ts1050 [1050]
       > #6 MXTS[1040] bytes: => valbytes ts 1040 [1040], status: => valstat
      ts1040 [1040]
       > #7 MXTS[1030] bytes: => valbytes ts 1030 [1030], status: => valstat
      ts1030 [1030]
       > #8 MXTS[1020] bytes: => valbytes ts 1020 [1020], status: => valstat
      ts1020 [1020]
       > #9 MXTS[1010] bytes: => valbytes ts 1010 [1010], status: => valstat
      ts1010 [1010]
       > #10 MXTS[1000] bytes: => valbytes ts 1000 [1000], status: => valstat
      ts1000 [1000]
       > -- Inserted ts 1100
       > Versions or row : testrow
       > #1 MXTS[1100] bytes: => valbytes ts 1100 [1100], status: => valstat
      ts1100 [1100]
       > #2 MXTS[1090] bytes: => valbytes ts 1090 [1090], status: => valstat
      ts1090 [1090]
       > #3 MXTS[1080] bytes: => valbytes ts 1080 [1080], status: => valstat
      ts1080 [1080]
       > #4 MXTS[1070] bytes: => valbytes ts 1070 [1070], status: => valstat
      ts1070 [1070]
       > #5 MXTS[1060] bytes: => valbytes ts 1060 [1060], status: => valstat
      ts1060 [1060]
       > #6 MXTS[1050] bytes: => valbytes ts 1050 [1050], status: => valstat
      ts1050 [1050]
       > #7 MXTS[1040] bytes: => valbytes ts 1040 [1040], status: => valstat
      ts1040 [1040]
       > #8 MXTS[1030] bytes: => valbytes ts 1030 [1030], status: => valstat
      ts1030 [1030]
       > #9 MXTS[1020] bytes: => valbytes ts 1020 [1020], status: => valstat
      ts1020 [1020]
       > #10 MXTS[1010] bytes: => valbytes ts 1010 [1010], status: => valstat
      ts1010 [1010]
       > #11 MXTS[1000] bytes: => valbytes ts 1000 [1000], status: => valstat
      ts1000 [1000]
      Despite the VERSIONS parameter of the columns (3) it seems that all versions
      are stored. 
      Question: is there some garbage collector process that removes the old
      versions ? if yes, when does it take place ?


        1. hbase-808-809-v1.patch
          32 kB
          Jean-Daniel Cryans


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