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  1. HBase
  2. HBASE-8084 Sundry mapreduce improvements
  3. HBASE-7938

Add integration test for ImportTsv/LoadIncrementalHFiles workflow



    • Sub-task
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 0.98.0, 0.95.0
    • mapreduce
    • None
    • Reviewed
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      The new IntegrationTestImportTsv is written in the style of the
      recently added IntegrationTestLoadAndVerify. It is designed to be run
      from maven or directly against a distributed cluster. It shares core
      test logic with TestImportTsv.

      To run it with maven, first refresh your install jars, and the run the

        $ mvn clean package install -DskipTests
        $ cd hbase-it
        $ mvn failsafe:integration-test -Dit.test=IntegrationTestImportTsv

      NOTE: Running from maven fails because HFileOutputFormat is creating
      the partition file on localFs, not HDFS.

      Or run it stand-alone:

        $ HBASE_CLASSPATH="hbase-it/target/hbase-it-<version>-tests.jar" \
          ./bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.IntegrationTestImportTsv

      When run stand-alone, it supports all the usual Hadoop Tool arguments,
      particularly -conf.

      ImportTsv was refactored to make code sharing easier. It is upgraded
      from MediumTest to LargeTest because it take 180+ seconds to run on my
      machine. Tests for the TsvParser are separated into their own
      The new IntegrationTestImportTsv is written in the style of the recently added IntegrationTestLoadAndVerify. It is designed to be run from maven or directly against a distributed cluster. It shares core test logic with TestImportTsv. To run it with maven, first refresh your install jars, and the run the test:   $ mvn clean package install -DskipTests   $ cd hbase-it   $ mvn failsafe:integration-test -Dit.test=IntegrationTestImportTsv NOTE: Running from maven fails because HFileOutputFormat is creating the partition file on localFs, not HDFS. Or run it stand-alone:   $ HBASE_CLASSPATH="hbase-it/target/hbase-it-<version>-tests.jar" \     ./bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.IntegrationTestImportTsv When run stand-alone, it supports all the usual Hadoop Tool arguments, particularly -conf. ImportTsv was refactored to make code sharing easier. It is upgraded from MediumTest to LargeTest because it take 180+ seconds to run on my machine. Tests for the TsvParser are separated into their own SmallTest.


      We have existing unit tests for smoke-testing the packaged MR jobs, however they do not create a runtime environment that is true to running on a real MR cluster. This is particularly true in regard to classpaths (HBASE-7934) but also other static state (HBASE-4802). An integration test that can be pointed to run on a pseudo-distributed Hadoop deployed on localhost would find these kinds of problems.


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              ndimiduk Nick Dimiduk
              ndimiduk Nick Dimiduk
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