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  1. HBase
  2. HBASE-5699

Run with > 1 WAL in HRegionServer



    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Critical
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 1.0.0, 1.1.0
    • Performance, wal
    • None
    • Hide
      HBase's write-ahead-log (WAL) can now be configured to use multiple HDFS pipelines in parallel to provide better write throughput for clusters by using additional disks. By default, HBase will still use only a single HDFS-based WAL.

      To run with multiple WALs, alter the hbase-site.xml property "hbase.wal.provider" to have the value "multiwal". To return to having HBase determine what kind of WAL implementation to use either remove the property all together or set it to "defaultProvider".

      Altering the WAL provider used by a particular RegionServer requires restarting that instance. RegionServers using the original WAL implementation and those using the "multiwal" implementation can each handle recovery of either set of WALs, so a zero-downtime configuration update is possible through a rolling restart.

      This issue introduces the following configurations:

      hbase.wal.regiongrouping.numgroups is how many provider instances the 'multiwal' should create. Default is two.

      hbase.wal.regiongrouping.strategy is the strategy to use figuring which provider instance an edit should go to. Default is 'identity'. Identity is the only current built-in option.

      hbase.wal.regiongrouping.delegate is the type of the provider the multiwal creates. Default is default from WALFactory.
      HBase's write-ahead-log (WAL) can now be configured to use multiple HDFS pipelines in parallel to provide better write throughput for clusters by using additional disks. By default, HBase will still use only a single HDFS-based WAL. To run with multiple WALs, alter the hbase-site.xml property "hbase.wal.provider" to have the value "multiwal". To return to having HBase determine what kind of WAL implementation to use either remove the property all together or set it to "defaultProvider". Altering the WAL provider used by a particular RegionServer requires restarting that instance. RegionServers using the original WAL implementation and those using the "multiwal" implementation can each handle recovery of either set of WALs, so a zero-downtime configuration update is possible through a rolling restart. This issue introduces the following configurations: hbase.wal.regiongrouping.numgroups is how many provider instances the 'multiwal' should create. Default is two. hbase.wal.regiongrouping.strategy is the strategy to use figuring which provider instance an edit should go to. Default is 'identity'. Identity is the only current built-in option. hbase.wal.regiongrouping.delegate is the type of the provider the multiwal creates. Default is default from WALFactory.


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            busbey Sean Busbey
            binlijin Lijin Bin
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