Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
2.6.0, 3.0.0, 4.0.0-alpha-1
To delete a backup, `BackupAdminImpl#deleteBackup` calls `BackupSystemTable#deleteBulkLoadedRows` on all rows returned by `BackupSystemTable#readBulkLoadedFiles(backupId)`.
This last method comes down to a scan over the bulk load table for all rows matching "bulk:BACKUPID:".
However, current code never writes rows of that format. The only methods that do so are `BackupSystemTable#writeBulkLoadedFiles` and `BackupSystemTable#createPutForBulkLoadedFile`, which are only used in test code.
Note that the bulkload rows that do get written (see `BackupObserver`) only get deleted when creating incremental backups, but suffer from HBASE-28706.
Consequences: I suspect that if you do some bulk loads, create a full backup, and delete that backup before doing any incremental backup, those entries in the bulk load table will never get deleted, meaning those HFiles can never get deleted (because `BackupLogCleaner` blocks their deletion).