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  1. HBase
  2. HBASE-24875

Remove the force param for unassign since it dose not take effect any more



    • Improvement
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 3.0.0-alpha-1, 2.4.0
    • Client
    • None
    • Incompatible change
    • Hide
      <!-- markdown -->
      The "force" flag to various unassign commands (java api, shell, etc) has been ignored since HBase 2. As of this change the methods that take it are now deprecated. Downstream users should stop passing/using this flag.

      The Admin and AsyncAdmin Java APIs will have the deprecated version of the unassign method with a force flag removed in HBase 4. Callers can safely continue to use the deprecated API until then; the internal implementation just calls the new method.

      The MasterObserver coprocessor API deprecates the `preUnassign` and `postUnassign` methods that include the force parameter and replaces them with versions that omit this parameter. The deprecated methods will be removed from the API in HBase 3. Until then downstream coprocessor implementations can safely continue to *just* implement the deprecated method if they wish; the replacement methods provide a default implementation that calls the deprecated method with force set to `false`.
      <!-- markdown --> The "force" flag to various unassign commands (java api, shell, etc) has been ignored since HBase 2. As of this change the methods that take it are now deprecated. Downstream users should stop passing/using this flag. The Admin and AsyncAdmin Java APIs will have the deprecated version of the unassign method with a force flag removed in HBase 4. Callers can safely continue to use the deprecated API until then; the internal implementation just calls the new method. The MasterObserver coprocessor API deprecates the `preUnassign` and `postUnassign` methods that include the force parameter and replaces them with versions that omit this parameter. The deprecated methods will be removed from the API in HBase 3. Until then downstream coprocessor implementations can safely continue to *just* implement the deprecated method if they wish; the replacement methods provide a default implementation that calls the deprecated method with force set to `false`.


      Currently unassign region in fact only close it, so not need force param any more.


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              filtertip Zheng Wang
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