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  1. HBase
  2. HBASE-23678

Literate builder API for version management in schema



    • Improvement
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 3.0.0-alpha-1, 2.3.0, 1.7.0
    • None
    • None
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      ColumnFamilyDescriptor new builder API:

           * Retain all versions for a given TTL(retentionInterval), and then only a specific number
           * of versions(versionAfterInterval) after that interval elapses.
           * @param retentionInterval Retain all versions for this interval
           * @param versionAfterInterval Retain no of versions to retain after retentionInterval
          public ModifyableColumnFamilyDescriptor setVersionsWithTimeToLive(
              final int retentionInterval, final int versionAfterInterval)
      ColumnFamilyDescriptor new builder API:     /**      * Retain all versions for a given TTL(retentionInterval), and then only a specific number      * of versions(versionAfterInterval) after that interval elapses.      *      * @param retentionInterval Retain all versions for this interval      * @param versionAfterInterval Retain no of versions to retain after retentionInterval      */     public ModifyableColumnFamilyDescriptor setVersionsWithTimeToLive(         final int retentionInterval, final int versionAfterInterval)


      Lars designed the combination of VERSIONS, TTL, MIN_VERSIONS, and KEEP_DELETED_CELLS with a maximum of flexibility. There is a lot of nuance regarding their usage. Almost all combinations of these four settings make sense for some use cases (exceptions are MIN_VERSIONS > 0 without TTL, and KEEP_DELETED_CELLS=TTL without TTL). There should be a way to make the behavior with TTL easier to conceive when creating the schema. This could take the form of a literate builder API for ColumnDescriptor or an extension to an existing one.

      Let me give you a motivating example: We may want to retain all versions for a given TTL, and then only a specific number of versions after that interval elapses. This can be achieved with VERSIONS=INT_MAX, TTL=retention_interval, KEEP_DELETED_CELLS=TTL, MIN_VERSIONS=num_versions . This is not intuitive though because VERSIONS has been used to specify the number of versions to retain (num_versions in this example) since HBase version 0.1, so this is going to be a source of confusion - I've seen it in practice.

      A literate builder API, by way of the way we design its method names, could let a user describe more or less in speaking language how they want version retention to work, and internally the builder API could set the low level schema attributes.


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              vjasani Viraj Jasani
              apurtell Andrew Kyle Purtell
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue

