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  1. HBase
  2. HBASE-20937

Update the support matrix in our ref guide about the recent hadoop releases

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    • Task
    • Status: Reopened
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • 3.0.0-beta-2
    • documentation
    • None
    • Reviewed


      Copied from HBASE-20538 "Upgrade our hadoop versions to 2.7.7 and 3.0.3" and from HBASE-20970

      Apache9 Duo Zhang added a comment - 6 days ago
      I think we should mark 2.7.x before 2.7.7 as 'Not Supported' due to the JDK issue? We only support jdk8 for 2.0 or above.

      Apache9 Duo Zhang added a comment - 6 days ago - Restricted to Committers
      And IIRC there is a security issue before 2.7.7 so it is important to drop the support and let users upgrade to 2.7.7?

      Apache9 Duo Zhang added a comment - 6 days ago
      Also upgrade hadoop3 dependency to 3.0.3 which contains HADOOP-15473.
      How does this issue relate to HBASE-20937?

      Do we support 3.0.3 now?

      Actually no. We do not support any 3.0.x releases due to the YARN issue YARN-7190. But at least it could let us add back the ignored security UT. There is still no production ready 3.1.x release...


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            stack Michael Stack
            zhangduo Duo Zhang




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