While debugging a slow HBase on my new Mac, I found that my issue was that DNS resolving was taking 10 seconds. Since Java 1.5, many people complained about that and there's even a very commented issue ( that's closed but still "active". In fact the real issue here is that when you a bad DNS resolving (my router was acting on me, it's dead now) it waits for 10 seconds or something like that (see previous link). So I was running PE and my meta scanner was being slower and slower. In fact, everything was slow, even starting the shell. So using jps I found that we are resolving DNS for each scanned row in META in checkAssigned here:
if (sa != null && sa.length() > 0) { serverName = HServerInfo.getServerName(sa, sc); } HServerInfo storedInfo = null;
HSI.getServerName here creates a new HServerAddress which resolves DNS in its depths and it's not even necessary, we use it just to split the server IP and port.