
    • Sub-task
    • Status: Closed
    • Critical
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 2.0.0
    • 2.0.0-alpha-3, 2.0.0
    • proc-v2
    • None
    • Incompatible change, Reviewed
    • Hide
      Admin.listProcedures and Admin.listLocks were renamed to getProcedures and getLocks (listProcedures was added to hbase 1.2). This change was done in an incompatible way -- we just yanked listProcedures (Because Admin Interface is not compatible with hbase1).

          Main changes:
          - ProcedureInfo and LockInfo were removed, we use JSON instead of them
          - Procedure and LockedResource are their server side equivalent
          - Procedure protobuf state_data became obsolate, it is only kept for
            reading previously written WAL
          - Procedure protobuf contains a state_message field, which stores the internal
            state messages (Any type instead of bytes)
          - Procedure.serializeStateData and deserializeStateData were changed slightly
          - Procedures internal states are available on client side
          - Procedures are displayed on web UI and in shell in the following jruby format:
            { ID => '1', PARENT_ID = '-1', PARAMETERS => [ ..extra state information.. ] }
      Admin.listProcedures and Admin.listLocks were renamed to getProcedures and getLocks (listProcedures was added to hbase 1.2). This change was done in an incompatible way -- we just yanked listProcedures (Because Admin Interface is not compatible with hbase1).     Main changes:     - ProcedureInfo and LockInfo were removed, we use JSON instead of them     - Procedure and LockedResource are their server side equivalent     - Procedure protobuf state_data became obsolate, it is only kept for       reading previously written WAL     - Procedure protobuf contains a state_message field, which stores the internal       state messages (Any type instead of bytes)     - Procedure.serializeStateData and deserializeStateData were changed slightly     - Procedures internal states are available on client side     - Procedures are displayed on web UI and in shell in the following jruby format:       { ID => '1', PARENT_ID = '-1', PARAMETERS => [ ..extra state information.. ] }


      ProcedureInfo was introduced as a lowest-common-denominator POJO that could be used as a facade on PB Procedures. It was good for showing state of Procedure framework in shell and UI.

      Its a bit weird though. Its up in hbase-common rather than in Procedure and it can only ever show a subset of the Procedure info.

      I was thinking we could use the pb3.1 pb->JSON utility instead and emit a JSON String wherever we need to export a view on procedure internals.

      This issue is about exploring this possibility. Would depend on our having an upgraded guava (so probably depends on the 'pre-build' project).

      From ProcedureInfo and LockInfo need fixing in


        1. HBASE-18106.master.001.patch
          290 kB
          Balazs Meszaros
        2. HBASE-18106.master.002.patch
          293 kB
          Balazs Meszaros
        3. HBASE-18106.master.003.patch
          307 kB
          Balazs Meszaros
        4. HBASE-18106.master.004.patch
          310 kB
          Balazs Meszaros
        5. HBASE-18106.master.005.patch
          310 kB
          Balazs Meszaros
        6. HBASE-18106.master.006.patch
          324 kB
          Balazs Meszaros
        7. HBASE-18106.master.007.patch
          365 kB
          Balazs Meszaros
        8. HBASE-18106.master.008.patch
          365 kB
          Balazs Meszaros
        9. HBASE-18106.master.009.patch
          367 kB
          Michael Stack
        10. HBASE-18106.master.010.patch
          368 kB
          Balazs Meszaros
        11. HBASE-18106.master.011.patch
          367 kB
          Balazs Meszaros
        12. HBASE-18106.master.011.patch
          367 kB
          Michael Stack
        13. HBASE-18106.master.012.patch
          365 kB
          Michael Stack
        14. HBASE-18106.master.012.patch
          365 kB
          Michael Stack

        Issue Links



              meszibalu Balazs Meszaros
              stack Michael Stack
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue

