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  1. HBase
  2. HBASE-16059

Region normalizer fails to trigger merge action where one of the regions is empty



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 1.4.0, 2.0.0
    • master
    • Reviewed


      Region normalizer failed to trigger merge action where expected

      Steps to reproduce:

      • Pre-split the test table into 5 regions with keys 1,3,7,8
      • Insert some data for each of the split. 27K rows for regions starting with key 1, and 100K rows for each of the regions with start key 3,7 and 8
      • Scan the test table, and verify that these regions exists - 1) STARTKEY => ‘' ENDKEY => ’1’ 2) STARTKEY => ’1’ ENDKEY => ’3’
      • Turn on normalization, verify normalization switch is enabled and that normalization is true for test table
      • Run normalizer a few times
      • Scan test table again, verify that regions don’t exist anymore 1) STARTKEY => ‘' ENDKEY => ’1’ 2) STARTKEY => ’1’ ENDKEY => ’3’, but instead a new region is created with STARTKEY => ’’ ENDKEY => ’3’
        The test now fails, with the last step failing at assertion.

      Looking into the Master log, I see that normalization plan was computed for the test table but it decides that no normalization is needed for the test table, and that the regions look good.

      2016-06-17 00:41:46,895 DEBUG [B.defaultRpcServer.handler=4,queue=1,port=20000] normalizer.SimpleRegionNormalizer: Computing normalization plan for table: table_zrof6ea383, number of regions: 5
      2016-06-17 00:41:46,895 DEBUG [B.defaultRpcServer.handler=4,queue=1,port=20000] normalizer.SimpleRegionNormalizer: Table table_zrof6ea383, total aggregated regions size: 13
      2016-06-17 00:41:46,896 DEBUG [B.defaultRpcServer.handler=4,queue=1,port=20000] normalizer.SimpleRegionNormalizer: Table table_zrof6ea383, average region size: 2.6
      2016-06-17 00:41:46,896 DEBUG [B.defaultRpcServer.handler=4,queue=1,port=20000] normalizer.SimpleRegionNormalizer: No normalization needed, regions look good for table: table_zrof6ea383


        1. 16059.v1.txt
          1 kB
          Ted Yu



            yuzhihong@gmail.com Ted Yu
            romil.choksi Romil Choksi
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue

