ReplicationSource will rechoose sinks when encounted exceptions during skipping edits to the current sink. But if the zookeeper client for peer cluster go to AUTH_FAILED state, the ReplicationSource will always get AuthFailedException. The ReplicationSource does not reconnect the peer, because reconnectPeer only handle ConnectionLossException and SessionExpiredException. As a result, the replication will print log:
2014-01-14,12:07:06,892 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication.regionserver.ReplicationSource: Getting 0 rs from peer cluster # 20
2014-01-14,12:07:06,892 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication.regionserver.ReplicationSource: Slave cluster looks down: 20 has 0 region servers
and be blocked forever.
I think other places may have same problems for not handling AuthFailedException in zookeeper. eg: HBASE-8675.