Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
repro steps
1) in hive, created test table
hive> CREATE TABLE test (name string, type string, supplier_key int, full_price double) row format delimited fields terminated by ','; OK Time taken: 1.586 seconds
2) in hive, created second test table, randomly named test##
hive> CREATE TABLE test22 (name string, type string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
Time taken: 1.511 seconds
3) in psql, tried describing schema and i got all test* tables combined into one:
postgres=# \d hcatalog.*
PXF Hive Table "default.test"
Column | Type
type | text
name | text
supplier_key | int4
full_price | float8
type | text
name | text
I repeated and found the same for other tables with number postfixes. It did not do this for tables with extra characters, however.
hive> CREATE TABLE testabc (name string, type string) row format delimited fields terminated by ','; OK Time taken: 0.082 seconds postgres=# \d+ hcatalog.* PXF Hive Table "default.test" Column | Type --------------+-------- type | text name | text supplier_key | int4 full_price | float8 type | text name | text PXF Hive Table "default.testabc" Column | Type --------+------ type | text name | text