Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Patch Available
Contribution of an updated Java 6 JDWP agent and socket transport layer. Attached is a zip of the new native code for JDWP, along with a patch for classlib and for the jdktools build.xml.
Improvements include:
- A large number of bug fixes.
- Ported to a wide variety of platforms - Linux x86/x86_64, Linux PPC 32/64, zLinux 31/64, Windows x86/x86_64, AIX PPC 32/64 and zOS 31/64.
- As part of the porting process, all non-portable C++ usage has been removed and rewritten, particularly use of C++ standard libraries.
- JSR 45 support implemented. The new JDWP agent allows debugging of non-Java stratum code running on the VM, for example JSPs.
- Significant performance improvements.