A TODO was marked in hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/main/winutils/main.c to add more command line usage and examples. This issue tracks resolution of this TODO.
Issue Links
- is part of
HADOOP-8562 Enhancements to support Hadoop on Windows Server and Windows Azure environments
- Closed
Chris Nauroth
created issue -
Chris Nauroth
made changes -
Field | Original Value | New Value |
Link |
This issue is part of |
Chris Nauroth
made changes -
Attachment | HADOOP-9348-branch-trunk-win.1.patch [ 12571460 ] |
Chris Nauroth
made changes -
Assignee | Chris Nauroth [ cnauroth ] |
Chris Nauroth
made changes -
Priority | Major [ 3 ] | Trivial [ 5 ] |
Suresh Srinivas
made changes -
Fix Version/s | trunk-win [ 12323306 ] | |
Hadoop Flags | Reviewed [ 10343 ] | |
Resolution | Fixed [ 1 ] | |
Status | Open [ 1 ] | Resolved [ 5 ] |
At this point, the output from winutils with no arguments is quite thorough, so perhaps we can just drop the TODO without making any changes. I've added a few people as watchers who might have opinions on this.